Екологічна оцінка антропогенного впливу на водні ресурси

Course: Hydrology and Integrated Water Management

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Екологічна оцінка антропогенного впливу на водні ресурси
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
As a result of studying the discipline, students should learn the elements of research activity, the principles of organization, the methodology and technology of conducting a step-by-step analysis of the impact of various anthropogenic factors on the ecological state of surface waters, learn to calculate the quantitative indicators of anthropogenic factors within the river catchment and evaluate their impact on the state of the water body. object, to establish the general risk of not achieving a "good" ecological state using the specified criteria, in particular, it is necessary: 1 to acquaint students with the theoretical foundations of existing methodologies for determining the anthropogenic impact on the ecological state of water bodies; 2 how the essence of methods for calculating quantitative values of individual factors from point and diffuse sources; 3 to acquaint students with the methods of determining the risk of not achieving a "good" ecological state;
Form of study
Distance form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of hydrochemistry, hydrology of rivers, river flow; 2. Possession of elementary skills of hydrological and hydrochemical calculations, statistical processing of series of observations; 3. Mastery of information synthesis and analysis methods.
Course content
the academic discipline is devoted to the study of the theoretical and methodological principles of the step-by-step analysis of anthropogenic load and its impact on the ecological state of water bodies, based on the European DPSIR methodology, developed by the European Ecology Agency, in particular, in terms of the following main issues: general analysis of anthropogenic activity within the catchment , determination of the general budget of organic substances from point and diffuse sources, determination of the general budget of biogenic elements from point and diffuse sources, determination of the general budget of hazardous substances from point and diffuse sources, identification of significant sources of pollution, establishment of the presence of anthropogenic influence on the state of water bodies, calculation of the risk of not achieving a "good" ecological state, development of basic scenarios for the period of validity of the management plan, establishment of management goal
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Osnovy hidrokhimiyi: pidruchnyk / V.K. Khilʹchevsʹkyy, V.I.Osadchyy, S.M.Kurylo – K.: Nika-tsentr, 2012. – 312 s. 2. Analitychna khimiya poverkhnevykh vod: Monohrafiya / Nabyvanetsʹ B.Y., Osadchyy V.I., Osadcha N.M. NabyvanetsʹYU.B.K.: Naukova dumka, 2007. – 455 s. 3. Hidrokhimichnyy dovidnyk. Poverkhnevi vody Ukrayiny. Hidrokhimichni rozrakhunky. metody analizu: Monohrafiya / Osadchyy V.I., Nabyvanetsʹ B.Y., Osadcha N.M., Nabyvanetsʹ YU.B.- K.: Nika-tsentr. - 2008. - 655 s. 4. Vodohospodarsʹka ekolohiya : Monohrafiya u 4-kh tomakh / A.V.Yatsyk.- K.: Heneza, 2003. 5. Osadchyy V.I. Metodolohichni pidkhody shchodo upravlinnya yakistyu poverkhnevykh vod / u Problemy hidrolohiyi, hidrokhimiyi, hidroekolohiyi. Monohrafiya.- K.: Nika-tsentr, -2019.- S. 157-168 6. CIS Guidance #3 Pressure and Impact Analysis, EU, 2003
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The assessment scheme: the level of achievement of all planned learning outcomes is determined by the results of written tests and presentations at seminar classes. lecture, seminar class
Assessment methods and criteria
The course includes 2 meaningful parts. Classes are held in the form of lectures and seminars. The discipline ends with an exam.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Vasyl Hrebin
Hydrology and hydroecology
heohrafichnyi fakultet


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Hydrology and hydroecology
heohrafichnyi fakultet