Labor Law

Course: Management of Organizations and Administration

Structural unit: Faculty of Economics

Labor Law
ВК 3.2.5
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
4 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 1. Critically comprehend, select and use the necessary scientific, methodological, and analytical tools for management in unpredictable conditions. PLO 2. Identify problems in the organization and justify methods of solving them. PLO 6. Have the skills to make, justify and ensure the implementation of management decisions in unpredictable conditions, taking into account the requirements of applicable law, ethical considerations, and social responsibility. PLO 7. Organize and implement effective communication within the team, with representatives of various professional groups, and in the international context. PLO 10. Demonstrate leadership skills and ability to work in a team, interact with people, influence their behavior to solve professional problems. PLO 13. Be able to plan and implement the information, methodological, material, financial, and personnel support of the organization (unit).
Form of study
External form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Know the basic categories and concepts related to human life and society. Be able to identify, analyze educational and scientific information, make sound conclusions about professional activities. Have basic skills in compiling written documents, adjusting their content, systematizing the materials needed for work, effective organization of their own educational activities.
Course content
The discipline "Labor Law" is aimed at forming in students a set of knowledge and skills necessary for the proper application of the provisions of law governing the procedure for concluding, amending, and terminating an employment contract, the main provisions of the collective agreement, working hours, leisure, labor protection, rationing and remuneration, labor discipline, the responsibility of the parties to the employment contract, supervision, and control over compliance with labor legislation. Within the framework of studying this discipline, students are expected to consolidate their skills and abilities to study modern scientific literature, critically comprehend the place and role of labor law in human resource management. The acquired knowledge and skills will help to increase the professional level and professional competence of future masters of social and managerial profile in labor relations.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Трудове право України та зарубіжних країн. Академічний курс: підручник / М.І. Іншин, В.І. Щербина. – Харків: Колегіум, 2017. – 1112 с. 2. Трудове право України: підручник / М.І. Іншин, В.І. Щербина. – Харків: Диса плюс, 2014. – 500 с. 3. Трудове право України: підручник / За заг. ред. М.І. Іншина, В.Л. Костюка, В.П. Мельника. Вид. 2-ге, перероб. і доп. – К.: «МП «Леся»», 2016. – 448 с. 4. Волошина С.М., Соцький А.М., Щербина В.І. Трудове право України: Навчальний посібник / С.М. Волошина, А.М. Соцький, В.І. Щербина. – Чернівці: Технодрук, 2015. – 188 с. 5. Правове регулювання організації праці: навчальний посібник / М.І. Іншин, А.М. Соцький, В.І. Щербина. – Харків: Диса плюс, 2013. – 448 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Problem-oriented learning: lectures; seminars; discussion; consultations; independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
Forms of student assessment: - semester assessment: 1) active work at seminars: (LO 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 4) - 40 points / 24 points; 2) performance of control works: (LO 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 4) - 30 points / 18 points (2 works on 15 maximum or 8 minimum points for each); 3) oral examination, discussion - 30 points / 18 points. - final assessment: for students who did not reach the minimum threshold level of assessment during the semester (60% of the maximum possible number of points), the final semester test is conducted, the maximum score for which may not exceed 40% of the final grade (up to 40 points on a 100-point scale). The final evaluation is carried out in the form of a final test with a maximum score of 20 points (limit score of 12 points).
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline