Modern Ukrainian Language (Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography)

Course: Ukrainian Language and Translation (for Foreigners) (Language of study Ukrainian)

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Modern Ukrainian Language (Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography)
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PTR 7. To understand the main problems of philology and ways to solve them using appropriate methods and innovative approaches. PTR 8. To know and understand the Russian language system and history, and to be able to use this knowledge in professional activities. PTR 9. To characterize the dialectal and social varieties of the Russian language and to describe the sociolingual situation. PTR 12. To analyze linguistic units, determine their interaction and characterize linguistic phenomena and processes that determine them.
Form of study
Distance form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Successful mastery of theoretical and practical courses of the Ukrainian language taught during the first year of study (first semester): "Practical course of the Ukrainian language", "Practical grammar of the Ukrainian language", "Practical phonetics of the Ukrainian language", "Commented reading of scientific texts".
Course content
"Modern Ukrainian Language (Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography)" is a basic professional discipline for foreign students studying in the specialty "Ukrainian Language and Translation (for Foreigners)". Its subject is the study of lexicology, dialectology, phraseology and lexicography of the modern Ukrainian language. The aim of the course is to guide students in mastering the lexical system of the Ukrainian language (thematic and lexical-semantic groups of words, synonymy, antonymy, lexical and syntactic combinations of words); it gives an idea of the main stages of historical formation of the lexicon; peculiarities of the phraseological system of the modern Ukrainian language (criteria for distinguishing phraseological units, types of phraseological units and their stylistic use); develops elementary practical skills in using linguistic dictionaries.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Lysychenko L.A. Leksyko-semantychna systema ukrainskoi movy. Kharkiv : Kharkivskyi derzhavnyi pedahohichnyi universytet im. H.S. Skovorody, 1997. 102-108 s. 2. Moisiienko A.K. Suchasna ukrainska mova. Leksykolohiia. Fonetyka. Universytetskyi pidruchnyk. Kyiv: Znannia, 2013. 340 s. 3. Nikolaieva N.S., Yeshchenko N.O. Suchasna ukrainska mova. Leksykolohiia: prohrama ta navchalni zavdannia. Kyiv : «Feniks», 2013. 4. Tsikhotskyi I., Levchuk O. Leksykohrafichnyi praktykum: navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv I kursu filolohichnoho fakultetu. Lviv, 2013. 5. Tsikhotskyi I., Levchuk O. Leksykolohiia suchasnoi ukrainskoi literaturnoi movy. Praktykum. Lviv, 2014. 258 s. 6. Abramchuk O.V., Horchynska L.V., Franchuk N.L., Pozdran Yu.V. Hramatyka ukrainskoi movy (u skhemakh ta tablytsiakh) dlia inozemnykh studentiv. Fonetyka, leksyka, morfolohiia: navch. posib. Vinnytsia: VNTU, 2017.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Educational activities: Lectures, practical classes, independent work Methods: General didactic teaching methods: verbal (explanation, lecture, conversation), visual (demonstration, etc.). Methods: theoretical, empirical, analytical, practical (training exercises, work with a textbook, observation of the language). Consciously practical method, theoretical method (using operations of specification, generalization and systematization of language material, methods of its explanation and conscious solution of language tasks).
Assessment methods and criteria
Methods: Current tests, written homework, oral answers at practical classes during the semester, module tests, and an exam. See the work program of the discipline for the assessment criteria for each type of assignment.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Nataliya Serhiivna Nikolayeva
Department of Ukrainian Philology for Foreigners
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Ukrainian Philology for Foreigners
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology