Geography of risks and sustainable development

Course: Urban Studies and Regional Development

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Geography of risks and sustainable development
ОК 5
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PО5 To be able to identify, pose and solve scientific and applied problems, carry out a critical assessment of the decisions made PО8 Conduct research on natural and socio-geographic manifestations of the development of geosystems in complex and unpredictable conditions, forecast their development, analyze alternatives, assess risks and likely consequences PО11 Assess possible risks, socio-economic and geoecological consequences of the implementation of management decisions in the field of nature management, urban and regional development, recreation and tourism
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1) to know the patterns of development and location of production and natural resources in the world and Ukraine, the peculiarities of the manifestation of global problems of humanity, the stages of the formation of the political map of the world, the characteristics of the world economy, its main components, the peculiarities of the flow of physical and chemical processes that occur in the process of negative influence anthropogenic activity on the environment; 2) to be able to analyze complex processes in the system: "environment - man - economy", to identify cause-and-effect relationships arising in socio-geographical complexes, to defend one's position when discussing the problems of sustainable development. 3) to have basic skills of working with cartographic sources, software for using the Internet, working with regulatory and legal documents.
Course content
Concepts of risks and their spatial dimension, directions and methods of managing them at different hierarchical levels are revealed. A description of the geographical features of the distribution of the main risks is provided: natural, man-made, ecological, social, economic, political. The role and significance of sustainable development as a risk mitigation mechanism is revealed through: 1) theoretical models of ecologically safe development aimed at solving global problems of humanity; 2) the system of UN international documents, which reveal the basic concepts of sustainable development; 3) indicators of sustainable development of countries and regions, allowing to identify territories with the highest level of threats; 4) economic and legal mechanisms for smoothing the main threats and transition to an ecological one safe development trajectory.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Kononenko O.Iu. Aktualni problemy staloho rozvytku: navchalnyi posibnyk. – K.: DK «Print-Servis», 2016. – 109 s. 2. Sotsialno-ekonomichnyi potentsial staloho rozvytku Ukrainy ta yii rehioniv: vektory realnoho postupu: natsionalna dopovid / za red. akad. NAN Ukrainy E.M. Libanovoi, akad. NAAN Ukrainy M.A. Khvesyka. – K. : DU IEPSR NAN Ukrainy, 2017. – 864 s. 3. Kramarev H.V. Teoretychni aspekty zabezpechennia staloho rozvytku promyslovosti Ukrainy – Kharkiv, 2019 – 559 s. 4. Hrechko T.K., Lisovskyi S.A., Romaniuk S.A., Rudenko L.H. Publichne upravlinnia v zabezpechenni staloho (zbalansovanoho) rozvytku: navchalnyi posibnyk – Kherson: Hrin D.S., 2015. – 264 s. 5. Natsionalna paradyhma staloho rozvytku Ukrainy / Nats. akad. nauk Ukrainy, Derzh.ustanova / Za zah. red. B. Ye. Patona. - K.: Derzh. ustanova "In-t ekonomiky pryrodokorystuvannia ta staloho rozv. Nats. akad. nauk Ukrainy", 2012. - 71 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, independent work, discussions, defense of independent works
Assessment methods and criteria
During the semester, thematic control works are conducted in the form of tests and questions with detailed answers after the completion of the consideration of the relevant topics. Students' acquisition of knowledge and skills is also assessed during their presentations at seminars, participation in discussions, writing essays on given topics. For students who did not score the minimum number of points (60 points) during the semester, a final semester test is conducted with a maximum number of points - 40. It is mandatory to complete seminar papers and prepare an essay on a specified topic before the beginning of the assessment session. There is no final assessment and the student receives an assessment according to the performance of the main types of work during the semester.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Olena Yuriivna Kononenko
Economic and Social Geography
heohrafichnyi fakultet


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Economic and Social Geography
heohrafichnyi fakultet