Ecological assessment of the hydrographic network of Ukraine

Course: Management and Ecology of Water Resources

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Ecological assessment of the hydrographic network of Ukraine
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
4 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PR01. Collect, process and analyze information in the field of earth sciences. PR07. Apply models, methods and data of physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, mathematics, information technologies, etc. when studying natural processes of geosphere formation and development. PR12. Know and apply theories, paradigms, concepts and principles in Earth sciences according to specialization. PR15. Be able to choose optimal methods and tools for research, data collection and processing.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of general land hydrology, the basics of climatology, meteorology, geology, earth science, cartography, topography, geodesy, physics, mathematics, hydrometry
Course content
The educational discipline is devoted to the study of the hydrographic features of water bodies of Ukraine, in particular, in terms of the following basic questions: general information about the hydrography of water bodies, the main factors and reasons for the formation of water bodies on land, the role of evolution in the formation of the modern type of rivers, lakes, bog, etc. water bodies, the influence of climate change and anthropogenic factors on the transformation of water bodies and their hydrographic features, as well as the history of hydrographic research, physical and geographical conditions, water bodies of Ukraine, formation of the hydrographic network, characteristics of the hydrography of water bodies of Ukraine and their basins for the ecological assessment of the hydrographic network of Ukraine.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Zahalʹna hidrolohiya: pidruchnyk / V.K. Khilʹchevsʹkyy, O.H. Obodovsʹkyy, V.V. Hrebinʹ ta in. K.: VPTS «Kyyivsʹkyy universytet», 2008. 399 s. 2. Metodyky hidrohrafichnoho ta vodohospodarsʹkoho rayonuvannya terytoriyi Ukrayiny vidpovidno do vymoh Vodnoyi ramkovoyi dyrektyvy Yevropeysʹkoho Soyuzu / V. V. Hrebinʹ ta in.: Interpres, 2013. 55 s. 3. Palamarchuk M.M., Zakorchevna N.B. Vodnyy fond Ukrayiny: dovidkovyy posibnyk. 1-e vyd. K.: Nika-Tsentr, 2001. 390 s.; 2-e vyd., dop. K. : Nika-Tsentr, 2006. 320 s. 4. Terminy ta vyznachennya vodnykh dyrektyv Yevropeysʹkoho Soyuzu / S.O. Afanasʺyev, V.V. Hrebinʹ, O.H. Obodovsʹkyy, V.K. Khilʹchevsʹkyy ta in. K.: Interservis, 2015. 32 s. 5. Khilʹchevsʹkyy V.K. Hrebinʹ V.V., Manukalo V.O. Hidrolohichnyy slovnyk. Kyyiv: DIA, 2022. 236 s. 6. Khilʹchevsʹkyy V.K., Hrebinʹ V.V. Vodni obʺyekty Ukrayiny ta rekreatsiyne otsinyuvannya yakosti vody: navch. Posibnyk. K.: VPTS «Kyyivsʹkyy universytet», 2022. 300
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lectures, modular tests, report on practical work, intermediate control, assessment
Assessment methods and criteria
Conditions for admission to credit: the recommended minimum for admission is 36 points. For students who scored a total of less than 36 points (recommended minimum) number, a mandatory condition for admission to the credit is the writing of essays on issues of missed or insufficiently mastered topics. - the final assessment in the form of credit is conducted in written format. The maximum number of points during the assessment is 40, the minimum number of points added to semester grades is 24 (60% of the maximum number of points assigned to the assessment). The final grade in the discipline consists of the points scored by the student based on the results of the semester control of the first and second parts and the points of the final test.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline