Remote monitoring of natural and man-made systems

Course: Geoinformation systems and Technologies

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"

Remote monitoring of natural and man-made systems
ВК 1.02
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Know the methods of collecting and structuring information for scientific research in the field of geoinformatics, photogrammetry and DZ, methods of processing digital images in the environments of special packages, programs and GIS. Use geostatistical data and mathematical modeling to process geodetic and geological studies. Process the results of geodetic measurements, topographic and cadastral surveys, using geoinformation technologies and computer software and database management systems.
Form of study
Distance form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
By quickly mastering the basic For the material of the discipline, the student needs basic software skills media for the creation of GIS projects.
Course content
The discipline's program places primary emphasis on methods of conservation, analysis, and forecasting of natural and anthropogenic objects and processes. During the course, students will be familiar with the basic characteristics of natural and anthropogenic objects and processes with precise georeferencing and advanced processing of remote sensing data with the method of their preparation before high-quality processing, obtaining You have the knowledge and skills to obtain accurate visual data decoding and automated processing in professional software environments. Students will be familiar with the methods and features of processing remote sensing data of various types: short-wave rich spectral data, thermal data, active radar data. Students will also acquire skills in morphostructural analysis of the earth's surface using additional remote sensing data.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Aerokosmichni doslidzhennia heolohichnoho seredovyshcha: Nauk.­metod. posib./A.H. Mychak, V.Ie. Filipovych, V.L. Prykhodko ta in.– K.: Minpryrody Ukrainy, Derzhheolsluzhba, 2010.–246 p. 2. Bairak H.R., Mukha B.P. Dystantsiini doslidzhennia Zemli: Navch. posib.– Lviv: Vydav.tsentr LNU im. Ivana Franka, 2010.–712 p. 3. Bilous V.V., Bondar S.P., Kurach T.M., Molochko A.M., Patychenko H.O., Pidlisetska I.O. Dystantsiine zonduvannia z osnovamy fotohrammetrii: navchalnyi posibnyk. Vydavnycho-polihrafichnyi tsentr «Kyivskyi universytet», 2011.- 367 p. 4. Zatserkovnyi V. I. Dystantsiine zonduvannia Zemli. Fizychni osnovy: navch. posib. / V. I. Zatserkovnyi ; Kyiv. nats. un-t im. Tarasa Shevchenka. - Kyiv : KNU im. Tarasa Shevchenka ; Nizhyn : NDU im. Mykoly Hoholia, 2018. - 380 p. 5. Kartohrafichne modeliuvannia: Navchalnyi posibnyk / T.Kozachenko, H. Parkhomenko, A. Molochko; Pid red. A. Zolovskoho. - Vinnytsia: Anteks-U LTD, 1999 - 328 p.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, practical activities
Assessment methods and criteria
Control is exercised over the modular rating system and transmits: 7 practical jobs (where students can demonstrate skill acquired knowledge and solution to the task at hand Methods for carrying out 2 modular control robots. Pidsumkov's assessment carried out in the form of a written and oral examination.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Vitaii Zatserkovnyi
Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"