Scientific and practical support of evaluation activities

Course: Valuation of land and property

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"

Scientific and practical support of evaluation activities
ОК 14
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Know the legal framework for ensuring the rational use, protection, accounting and valuation of land at the national, regional, local and economic levels, the procedures for state registration of land plots, other real estate and restrictions on their use. Possess methods of organizing topographic, geodetic and land management production from field measurements to management and implementation of topographic and land management products based on the use of knowledge on the basics of legislation and production management.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
In order to better master the educational material of the discipline, students must have knowledge and skills in the field of land relations, the concepts of land and land use as real estate, property, agricultural and environmental real estate and features of scientific and practical evaluation.
Course content
The educational discipline allows you to gain knowledge about the organization of scientific and practical support for evaluation activities, current legislative and regulatory acts that regulate the management of various land use objects, is aimed at the formation of special and practical skills necessary for the practical application of real estate and land resource evaluation methods; the application of modern information technologies for the implementation of scientific research tasks in the field of evaluation, methods of a systematic approach to the study of the structure and interrelationships of land use development in order to increase the effectiveness of implemented program measures and rational use of land resource potential; the study of indicators of assessment of processes of formation and use of the land resource potential of territories with the aim of its protection and promotion of the maximum preservation of natural properties of land resources; consideration of the general principles of land monitoring and protection in Ukraine.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro otsinku zemel» vid 11 hrudnia 2003 roku № 1378-IV. 2. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro otsinku maina, mainovykh prav ta profesiinu otsinochnu diialnist v Ukraini» vid 12 lypnia 2001 roku № 2658-III. 3. Natsionalni standarty otsinky - K., UTO, 2007,- 120s.- (Biblioteka Ukrainskoho tovarystva otsiniuvachiv). 4. Postanova KMU « Pro ekspertnu hroshovu otsinku zemelnykh dilianok» vid vid 11 zhovtnia 2002 r. № 1531 5. Postanova KMU «Pro zatverdzhennia Natsionalnoho standartu № 1 "Zahalni zasady otsinky maina i mainovykh prav» vid 10 veresnia 2003 r. № 1440 6. Postanova KMU Pro zatverdzhennia Natsionalnoho standartu № 2 «Otsinka nerukhomoho maina» vid 28 zhovtnia 2004 r. № 1442 7. Tretiak A.M. (red.). Ekonomika zemelnoho rynku: bazovi zasady teorii, metodolohii, praktyky: monohrafiia – Lviv : SPOLOM, 2019. 9. Tretiak A.M. Zemelnyi kapital: teoretyko-metodolohichni osnovy formuvannia ta funktsionuvannia: Monohrafiia. – Lviv. SPOLOM, 2011.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lectures and practical classes, independent work.
Assessment methods and criteria
The control is carried out according to the modular rating system and includes: the performance of 12 practical works (where students must demonstrate the quality of the acquired knowledge and solve the tasks using the methods and tools outlined by the teacher) and conducting 3 modular control works. The evaluation in the 2nd semester involves an intermediate control, which is presented based on the results of the student's work throughout the semester, as a sum (simple or weighted) of points for systematic work during the 2nd semester. There is no separate form of control at the end of the 2nd semester. The final assessment is conducted in the form of a written and oral exam.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline