Educational practice in the specialty

Course: Geoinformation systems and Technologies

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"

Educational practice in the specialty
ОК 28
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
- To know and apply in professional activity normative-legal acts, normative-technical documents, reference materials in the field of geodesy and land management and related branches. - Participate in the creation of state geodetic networks and special engineering and geodetic networks, organize and perform topographic and cadastral surveys, geodetic measurements, engineering and geodetic surveys for the design, construction and operation of construction sites. - Collect, evaluate, interpret and use geospatial data, metadata on objects of natural and man-made origin, apply statistical methods of their analysis to solve specialized problems in the field of geodesy and land management.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Successful mastering of disciplines: geodesy, topography, remote sensing of the Earth and other disciplines of topographic and geodetic profile.
Course content
The internship in the specialty is an important part of the educational process, is organized in the 6th semester and is aimed at consolidating and deepening knowledge acquired by students in the process of studying the cycle of disciplines, the formation of practical skills in the specialty, involves the selection of factual material for the qualification work. Focused on solving the problem of creating projects in the field of geoinformatics helps students make independent decisions in specific areas of work and promote self-realization of the student as a specialist in the field of GIS technologies in geodesy and land management.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Zatserkovnyi V. I. Heoinformatsiini systemy v upravlinni terytoriiamy: monohrafiia / V. I. Zatserkovnyi. – K.: VPTs "Kyivskyi universytet", 2019. – 418 p. 2. Zatserkovnyi V.I., Tustanovska L.V. Heoinformatyka: navch. posib. / Kyiv. nats. un-t im. Tarasa Shevchenka. - Kyiv ; Nizhyn : Vyd-vo NDU im. M. Hoholia, 2018. - 467 p. 3. Zatserkovnyi V. I. Dystantsiine zonduvannia Zemli. Fizychni osnovy: navch. posib. / V.I.Zatserkovnyi. – Nizhyn : NDU im. M. Hoholia, 2018. – 380 p. 4. Zatserkovnyi V.I., Karevina N.P. Aerokosmichni doslidzhennia Zemli: istoriia stanovlennia: monohrafiia / Nats. akad. nauk Ukrainy, In-t problem mat. mashyn i system. - Kyiv : Lohos, 2014. T. 2. - 2015. - 406 p. 5. Liashenko D.O. Heoinformatsiine kartohrafuvannia v Ukraini. Kontseptualni osnovy i napriamy rozvytku: Monohrafiia / Rudenko L.H., Kozachenko T.I., Liashenko D.O., Putrenko V.V., Chabaniuk V.S. - K.: Naukova dumka, 2011-104 p.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assessment methods and criteria
Final assessment in the form of differentiated credit. The results of students' learning activities are evaluated on a 100-point scale. Evaluation scheme: 1. Evaluation of independent preparation for educational practice 10 points. 2. Evaluation of educational practice by the research supervisor of 20 points. 3. Evaluation of the report on the internship 30 points. 4. Report protection 40 points.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Oleksandr Menshov
Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"