Socio-political Studies

Course: Geoinformation systems and Technologies

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"

Socio-political Studies
ОК 21
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
5 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Use oral and written technical Ukrainian language and be able to communicate in a foreign language (English) among professionals and various fields of activity. Know the legal framework for ensuring the rational use, protection, accounting and evaluation of land at the national, regional, local and economic levels, procedures for state registration of land, other real estate and restrictions on their use. Apply models, methods and data of physics, chemistry, ecology, mathematics, geology, hydrogeology, etc. in the study of natural processes of formation and development of the Earth. Develop projects to regulate real estate markets and land resources.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know the basic concepts of logic and methodology of scientific research. 2. Have basic skills in abstracting and analyzing scientific, statistical and analytical publications.
Course content
The course is aimed at revealing the features of sociological and political science knowledge about society, models of social order and interactions, basic dimensions and problems of modern society, the logic of its development, socio-cultural and political-cultural characteristics and trends of modern Ukrainian society. The course focuses on measuring values, identity, inequality, social solidarity and conflict, social relations in employment and politics, history of political thought, power, regimes in politics, political systems of society and the state, civil society, democracy, parties and party systems, elections, world politics.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Bohdan O. Shcho varto znaty pro sotsiolohiiu ta sotsialni doslidzhennia? Posibnyk-dovidnyk dlia hromadskykh aktyvistiv ta vsikh zatsikavlenykh. K.: Dukh i Litera, 2015. 2. Klasyky politychnoi dumky vid Platona do Maksa Vebera / Yevhenii Prychepii (red.). K.: VK TOV “Tandem”, 2002. 3. Kuzmenko T. M. Sotsiolohiia / Navch. posibnyk. K.: «Tsentr uchbovoi literatury», 2010. 4. Opytuvannia hromadskoi dumky: posibnyk / Fond «Demokratychni initsiatyvy». Vydannia tretie, dopovnene. K., 2012. 5. Politolohiia: pidruchnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv / Za red. Tsvykha V.F., Batrymenka O.V. K.: VPTs “Kyivskyi universytet”, 2010. Stan suchasnoho ukrainskoho suspilstva: tsyvilizatsiinyi vymir / Za nauk. red. M. O. Shulhy. Kyiv: Instytut sotsiolohii NAN Ukrainy, 2017.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, consultations, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
Answers to seminars are evaluated during the actual classes, students' points for successful seminar work are accumulated throughout the module. Analytical tasks are performed by each student within the independent work throughout the module and are assessed upon their completion. Test work is performed by students during the week after studying the last topic within the independent work. The test is based on the results of the student's work throughout the semester and does not provide additional assessment activities for successful students. A student is not admitted to the test if he / she scored less than 60 points during the semester. are evaluated similarly to the answers to the seminar.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Ivan Pavlovich Fedirko
Politology department
Faculty of Philosophy
Volodymyr Anatoliyovych Shelukhin
Department Social Structures and Social Relations
Faculty of Sociology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Politology department
Faculty of Philosophy
Department Social Structures and Social Relations
Faculty of Sociology