Economics of tourism

Course: Tourism

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Economics of tourism
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
4 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PR7. Develop, promote and implement a tourist product PR17. Manage your studies for the purpose of self-realization in the professional tourism field. PR26. Anticipate the consequences of one's business activities
Form of study
External form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. To know: basic definitions and concepts of the modern tourism industry and the basics of the economy; regulatory and legal principles of the functioning of tourist organizations, their creation, terms of tax payment, reorganization, liquidation; basic tourism concepts and theories; key concepts of the "tourist" economy, including - the tourist industry, types of tourism, components of the tourist system; the main characteristics of the world's modern trends in the development of the tourist economy. 2. Possess: methods of analysis of various aspects of tourism: motivation of tourist trips, choice of type of tour, direction and price of the tour; the ability to form tourist the product and its price; стратегію діяльності і розвитку туристичної індустрії; професійно оцінювати конкретну ситуацію у межах міжнародного туристичного ринку; здійснювати економічний аналіз та прогноз ситуації щодо розвитку подій у межах національного та світового туристичного ринку.
Course content
The activity of entrepreneurial structures in general and enterprises, as the main link of the economy, in particular, is of great importance in the modern economic development of Ukraine. From an economic point of view, tourism is a special type of consumption of material and spiritual goods, services and goods that are separated into an independent branch of the economy. The development of tourism in Ukraine is particularly relevant, as it is thanks to it that we can improve the socio-economic situation. The field of tourism supports almost 50 related industries and creates additional jobs. Accordingly, the discipline «Економіка туризму» є об’єктивно необхідною в процесі підготовки висококваліфікованих кадрів в галузі країнознавства і туризму. Предметом вивчення навчальної дисципліни «Економіка туризму» є теоретичні та практичні положення туризму в сучасних економічних умовах.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Hospodarskyi kodeks Ukrainy vid 16 sichnia 2003 r., No 436-IV Elektronnyi resurs. – Rezhym dostupu: – 2. Diadechko L.P. Ekonomika turystychnoho biznesu: pidruchnyk.- K.: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 2007. - 224 s. 3. Ekonomika pidpryiemstva: Pidruchnyk / Za red. A.V. Shehdy. – K.: Znannia, 2006. – 614 s. 4. Ekonomika turyzmu: teoriia ta praktyka: Pidruchnyk / M. P. Malska, M. Y. Rutynskyi, S. V. Bilous, N. L. Mandliuk. – K.: «Tsentr uchbovoi literatury», 2019. – 544 5. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro turyzm» vid 18.11.2003 Elektronnyi resurs. – Rezhym dostupu: 6. Orhanizatsiia diialnosti turystychnoho pidpryiemstva: navch. posib. / Balashova R.- K.: TsUL, 2019. - 184 s. 7. Orhanizatsiia ta planuvannia diialnosti turystychnykh pidpryiemstv: navch. posib. / Malska M., Bordun O. - K.: TsUL, 2019. - 248 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, practical work, self-study
Assessment methods and criteria
Semester evaluation of such types of works as: discussions, surveys, problem solving, testing, control works are carried out during classes that take place according to the schedule. The student's independent work consists in the systematic processing of normative-legislative acts and reports on the assessment of economic entities. The learned material is subject to verification at each practical session in the form of an oral survey. In addition, the results of independent processing of the material are checked in the form of a short written work, which is evaluated at a maximum of 20 points. The completion of missed classes is carried out by the student completing additional calculation tasks from the discipline. During the assessment, the student performs individual assessment work. Credit is issued for the results of the student's work throughout the semester and the results of credit work.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Oksana Petrivna Mykytiuk
Department of Business Economics
Faculty of Economics


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Business Economics
Faculty of Economics