Marketing in tourism

Course: Tourism

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Marketing in tourism
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
7 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PR10. Understand principles, processes and technologies of the organization work of the subject tourist business and of its individual subsystems (administratively- management, social psychological, economic, technical technological). PR13. Establish connections with experts tourist and others industries PR21. Accept reasoned decisions and be responsible for the results of their professional activity PR26. Provide its consequences entrepreneurial activity PR27. Apply acquired knowledge and skills in everyday life practice
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of marketing. 2. Ability to master modern marketing and analytical methods and methods of working with modern databases. 3. Mastery of basic approaches in the use of quantitative and qualitative methods in the organization of marketing research.
Course content
This educational discipline is devoted to the study of modern scientific tools for the methodology and organization of marketing activity (theory and practice) in tourism. It highlights the issues of sustainable tourism marketing, the system and strategy of marketing in tourism, the consumer market in tourism and its marketing analysis, measurement and forecasting of demand in tourism, the life cycle of goods in tourism, problems of establishing contacts with customers and promoting sales in tourism, pricing policy in tourism marketing, advertising in the system of tourism marketing, exhibition marketing in tourism, planning, financing and organization of marketing in tourism, organization and conduct of marketing research in tourism, innovative directions of marketing in tourism, image building and branding of tourist destinations, information technologies in marketing in tourism, marketing in tourist clusters, etc. The study of this discipline provides an opportunity to master modern skills and abilities in the application of quantitative and qualitative methods of marketing analysis in tourism, which will contribute to solving specific scientific and practical problems of the development of the tourism industry in Ukraine in modern conditions.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1.Malska M.P., Mandiuk N.L.Marketynh turyzmu. Pidruchnyk.Lviv: Ukrainskyi bestseler, 2015. 364 s. 2.Kudla N.Ie. Marketynh turystychnykh posluh: nav.pos.K.:Znannia,2011. 351 s. 3.Pravyk Yu.M. Marketynh turyzmu: pidruchnyk. K.: Znannia, 2008. 303s. 4.Smyrnov I.H., Liubitseva O.O. Marketynh staloho turyzmu: navch.posib. K.: Vydavnytstvo Lira-K, 2019. 256 s. 5.Smyrnov I.H. Marketynh u turyzmi: navch.posib. K.: KNU imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, 2016.240 s. 6.Smyrnov I.H. Vystavkovyi marketynh u turyzmi. Heohrafiia ta turyzm. Vyp. 4. 2010. S.22-35. 7.Smyrnov I.H. Turystychno-marketynhova polityka Ukrainy v konteksti pidhotovky i provedennia YeVRO-2012. Heohrafiia ta turyzm: nauk.zbirnyk. K.:Alfa-PIK, 2012. Vyp. 18. S.3-12. 8.Smyrnov I.H., Shparaha T.I. Potentsial virmenskoi spadshchyny v Ukraini dlia rozvytku turyzmu: rehionalno-marketynhovyi aspekt. Heohrafiia ta turyzm: nauk.zbirnyk. K.: Alfa-PIK, 2019. Vyp.47. S.28-44.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, self-study
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Oral presentation, additions and participation in discussions at seminars: 21/35 points 2. Self-study (synopsis of texts): 5/10 points 3. Self-study (research of values): 12/20 points 4. Self-study (writing the text of recommendations): 10/15 points Final assessment in the form of an exam: the final number of points for the discipline (maximum 100 points) is determined as the sum of points for systematic work during the semester (60 points) and points for the answer at the exam (40 points).
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


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