Course work on methods of processing and analysis of hydrometeorological information

Course: Management and Ecology of Water Resources

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Course work on methods of processing and analysis of hydrometeorological information
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PR01. Collect, process and analyze information in the field of earth sciences. PR05. Be able to conduct field and laboratory research. PR08. Justify the choice and use field and laboratory methods for the analysis of natural and anthropogenic systems and objects. PR09. To be able to perform studies of geospheres using quantitative methods of analysis. PR10. Analyze the composition and structure of geospheres (in accordance with specialization) on different spatial and temporal scales. PR11. Organize and summarize the materials of field and laboratory research. PR13. Be able to communicate the results of activities to a professional audience and the general public, make presentations and messages. PR15. Be able to choose optimal methods and tools for research, data collection and processing.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Successful completion of the courses "Fundamentals of Meteorology", "Hydrology of Rivers", "Hydrology of Lakes". "Hydrology of swamps, glaciers and underground waters", "Hydrometry", "Fundamentals of hydrochemistry". Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of general hydrology. Possession of elementary hydrological concepts about water bodies, their hydrological regime, having the skills to perform practical works in hydrology and cartography. The course work is carried out according to the content plan, which was previously established by the student together with the supervisor. The term paper contains text with the inclusion of figures, diagrams, tables, and ends with a list of used sources.
Course content
The purpose of the course work on methods of processing and analysis of hydrometeorological information is to master and apply methods of collecting, processing and analyzing information on climatic factors (air temperature, amount of precipitation), hydrological (water temperature, water levels and flow) and hydrochemical regimes of water bodies ( content of main ions, biogenic elements, pollutants, etc.). It is assumed that the results of the analysis of hydrometeorological information by the student will be logically explained and described in the course work structured accordingly.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1). Navchalʹno-metodychnyy kompleks z vykonannya kursovykh ta kvalifikatsiynykh robit / YA.B. Oliynyk, V.M. Samoylenko, V.K. Khilʹchevsʹkyy. K.: Nika- Tsentr, 2001. 60 s.2). Zahalʹni rekomendatsiyi z pidhotovky, oformlennya, zakhystu y otsinyuvannya vypusknykh kvalifikatsiynykh robit zdobuvachiv vyshchoyi osvity pershoho bakalavrsʹkoho i druhoho mahistersʹkoho rivniv / za red. dots. M. I. Shynkaryka. Ternopilʹ : TNEU, 2018. 60 s. 3). Metodychni rekomendatsiyi do vykonannya kvalifikatsiynykh robit bakalavra / Ukl. YA. Oliynyk, K. Mezentsev, O. Hrynyuk, S. Demʺyanenko. Kyyiv, 2018. 19 s. 4). Metodychni vkazivky z pidhotovky ta oformlennya mahistersʹkykh robit zi spetsialʹnosti 103 – Nauky pro Zemlyu (osvitnya prohrama «Hidrolohiya» / V.V. Hrebinʹ, O.I. Lukʺyanetsʹ. K.: TOV «Fond K-2», 2018. 43 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Consultation, collection of hydrometeorological information (library, funds of institutions), processing of hydrometeorological information, writing a term paper, defense of a term paper, assessment.
Assessment methods and criteria
Organization of assessment: an oral survey and/or assessment of the ability to collect and process hydrometeorological information is conducted during coursework consultations. The defense of the coursework takes place on the day determined at the meeting of the department, in front of the commission, which includes the head of the coursework. Students who received a score of 20 to 33 for the current evaluation of the coursework writing receive additional questions when defending the coursework in the form of a report during the differentiated assessment. The erudition shown by the student during the defense of the term paper is a determining factor in obtaining a grade (a maximum of 40 points, which are added to those gained during the course of writing the term paper).
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Valentyn Khilchevskyi
Hydrology and hydroecology
heohrafichnyi fakultet


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Hydrology and hydroecology
heohrafichnyi fakultet