Educational practice 3. Mountain hydrometeorological
Course: Meteorology
Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet
Educational practice 3. Mountain hydrometeorological
ОК 28.
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PR01. Collect, process and analyze |
information in the field of earth sciences.
PLO05. To be able to conduct field and
laboratory studies of processes in the
the atmosphere and other geospheres.
PO0Z. Justify the choice and
use field and laboratory
methods to analyze natural and
and anthropogenic systems and objects.
PLO09. Be able to perform research
of the atmosphere and other geospheres using
using quantitative methods of analysis.
PLO11. Organize 1 summarize
materials of field and laboratory
research materials.
PLO15. Be able to choose the best methods
and tools for
for conducting research, collecting and
data processing.
PLO 16. To know the laws of occurrence
and development of atmospheric processes and phenomena;
be able to identify, predict,
model atmospheric processes and
phenomena; be able to identify, predict, + + + model atmospheric processes and phenomena.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
knowledge of theoretical foundations of physics, meteorology, atmospheric physics,
climatology, ability to establish cause and effect relationships between phenomena
and processes occurring in the natural environment; knowledge of methods of
of synthesizing and analyzing information.
Course content
Collection of hydrometeorological information in the field
allows students to better master the skills of working with such
meteorological instruments such as aneroid barometer, aspiration psychrometer
anemometer, snow gauge, and snow meter. Processing and analyzing the results obtained
results allow students to better understand the patterns of formation
hydrometeorological conditions of the internship area. A special feature of the
of the practice is that it is conducted in winter, which makes it possible to analyze
hydrometeorological conditions of snow cover formation. Generalization of
of theoretical knowledge gained in the course of study and practical results
observations give students the opportunity to independently derive patterns of
of changes in the height of the snow cover with changes in terrain elevation. In addition, at the
Yasynia Research and Training Base provides for daily observations that
include measuring the height of the snow cover 3 using
stationary snow gauges and a complete list of observations of
meteorological variables (temperature, humidity,
wind characteristics, cloud cover, etc.)
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Антонов В.С. Короткий курс загальної метеорології. - Чернівці: Рута,
2004. — 363 с.
2. Гідрометеорологічні умови басейну Чорної Тиси та їх вивчення /
Ободовський О Г., Сніжко С.І., Гребінь В.В., Паламарчук Л.В., Щербань
1.М., Кобзистий ПА. - К.: ВГЛ Обрії, 2005. - 172 с.
3. Дмитрук О.Ю., Щур Ю.В. Безпека життєдіяльності в географа з основами
професійної підготовки: Навч. Посібник для студентів природничих
факультетів. - К.: РВЦ «Київський університет», 1998. - 126с.
4. Клімат України / За ред. В.М.Ліпінського, В.А. Дячука, В.М.Бабіченко. -
К.: Вид-во Раєвського, 2003. - 344 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, practical classes, chamber works
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation of the practice report, presentation and answers during the report defense
Language of instruction
This discipline is taught by the following teachers
The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline