Ecological Monitoring of the Atmosphere
Course: Meteorology
Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet
Ecological Monitoring of the Atmosphere
ВБ 2.2.6
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
7 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Collect, process and
information in the field of
Earth sciences (SP
Be able to conduct
field and laboratory
studies of processes in the
atmosphere and other
geospheres (ELO05).
Justify the choice
and use
field and laboratory
methods to analyse
natural and
anthropogenic systems and
objects (MP 08).
Analyze the composition and
structure of the atmosphere and
other geospheres in different
spatial and temporal
scales (SLO10).
Participate in the development of
projects and
recommendations in the field of
Earth sciences (WP14).
To know the laws of
occurrence and development
atmospheric processes and
phenomena; be able to
model atmospheric
processes and phenomena (PLO
commitment to
knowledge of the principles of
organization and
monitoring system
of the atmosphere (ELO 19).
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Successful completion of courses in "Meteorology", "General Chemistry", "General
Atmospheric Circulation", "Synoptic Meteorology", "Ecological Climatology".
2. Knowledge of theoretical foundations of chemistry, physics, physical geography, ability to establish
cause and effect relationships between phenomena and processes occurring in the natural
3. Knowledge of methods of synthesis and analysis of information.
Course content
This discipline is devoted to the study of
organizational and functional structure of the system of observation of the state of the environment
environment and environmental monitoring of the atmosphere as its component, as well as
the main issues related to air pollution - characteristics of
sources of air pollution, pollutant impurities, factors that
determining the level of air pollution. The discipline is designed to provide
understanding and understanding of the functioning and importance of the atmospheric air monitoring system
air monitoring system to ensure the protection of the atmosphere, namely: types of posts, terms and programs
observations, organization of route observations, criteria for sanitary and
hygienic assessment of atmospheric air quality, etc.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Сніжко С.І., Шевченко О.Г. Урбометеорологічні аспекти забруднення
атмосферного повітря великого міста. – К.: Видавництво географічної
літератури «Обрії». – 2011. – 297 с.
2. Олійник Р.В., Сніжко С.І. Хімія атмосферних аерозолів. К.: «ЦП
КОМПРИНТ».2019. -204 с.
3. Моніторинг довкілля : підручник / [Боголюбов В.М., Клименко М.О., Мокін
В.Б. та ін.]; під ред. В.М. Боголюбова. − [2-е вид., перероб. і доп.]. −
Вінниця : ВНТУ, 2010. − 232 с.
4. Клименко М.О. Моніторинг довкілля : підручник / Клименко М.О.,
Прищепа А.М., Вознюк Н.М. − К. : Академія, 2006. − 360 с.
5. Посудін Ю.І. Моніторинг довкілля з основами метрології : підручник. – К. :
Світ, 2012. − 426 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, practical
Assessment methods and criteria
the level of achievement of all planned results
learning is determined by the results of writing two written tests and
intermediate works of control of students' knowledge (blitz survey); attendance of lectures; performance
tasks of independent work.
Language of instruction
This discipline is taught by the following teachers
The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline