Training practice on the basics of field of geospheric research
Course: Meteorology
Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet
Training practice on the basics of field of geospheric research
ОК 28.
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO05. Be able to conduct field and laboratory studies of processes in the atmosphere and other geospheres.
PLO 08. Justify the choice and use field and laboratory methods for the analysis of natural and anthropogenic systems and objects.
PLO 11. Organize and summarize materials of field and laboratory research.
PLO 15. Be able to choose the best methods and tools for research, data collection and processing.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Successful mastery of the disciplines "Meteorology", "Climatology", "Geology",
"Hydrology, Soil Science, Topography with the basics of geodesy.
2. To know the structural components of the geographical shell, the properties of individual
geocomponents and characterize the features of their interaction at different spatial and temporal
levels. To give a geographical description of the territories.
3. Know the features of the functioning of geosystems and the main physical and geographical processes,
that occur in them, the leading cycles of matter and energy that are responsible for
functional differentiation of the geosphere.
4. To be able to work with general geographical, thematic and topographical
cartographic materials, use them for orientation on the ground,
route planning and characterization of geocomponents.
Course content
The educational practice is devoted to practical
consolidation of skills and abilities of geographical characterization of the territory, acquisition of skills
application of field research methods, in particular for the study of weather, climate and
microclimate, conducting observations, making comprehensive geographical descriptions,
completion of field documentation; acquisition of competencies in cooperation and work in a group
group work, resolving disagreements and conflicts; mastering the ability to make geographical
description and characterization, generalization and formulation of conclusions, as well as
prepare expedition documentation and report materials.
The training practice consists of three stages: 1) introductory and preparatory;
2) main - field; 3) final.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Аріон О.В., Удовиченко В.В. Літня польова ґрунтознавчо-біогеографічна практика:
Навчально-методичний посібник. Київ: ВПЦ «Київський університет», 2011. 176 с.
2. Бортник С.Ю., Погорільчук Н.М., Ковтонюк О.В. Методи польових геоморфологічних
досліджень. Вивчення рельєфу та рельєфоутворюючих відкладів. Київ: Прінт-сервіс, 2015.
165 с.
3. Вишневський В.І. Річки і водойми України. Стан і використання: Монографія. Київ:
Віпол, 2000. 376 с.
4. Водчиць О.Г., Затула В.І. Основи метеорології і кліматології. Київ: НАУ, 2017. 360 с.
5. Гнатенко О.Ф., Капштик М.В., Петренко Л.Р., Вітвіцький С.В. Грунтознавство з основами
геології. Навчальний посібник. Київ: Оранта, 2005. 648 с.
6. Гребінь В.В. Сучасний водний режим річок України (ландшафтно-гідрологічний аналіз).
Київ: Ніка-Центр, 2010. 316 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Field routes, camera work
Assessment methods and criteria
fulfillment of
tasks, discourse,
Language of instruction
This discipline is taught by the following teachers
The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline