Course: Meteorology
Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet
ОК 4.
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Collect, process and
analyze information in the
the field of Earth sciences (PLO
01). Be able to conduct field and
laboratory research (PLO
Identify the main
characteristics, processes,
history and composition of the Earth as a
planetary system and its
geospheres (SP06)
Justify choices and
use of field and
laboratory methods to analyse natural and anthropogenic
natural and anthropogenic
systems and objects (PLO08)
Be able to perform research
geospheres with the help of
quantitative methods of analysis (PLO 09)
Analyze the composition and structure of
geospheres (according to
specialization) at different
spatial and temporal scales
Know and apply theories,
paradigms, concepts and
principles in the earth sciences
according to the specialization
Be able to choose the best
methods and instrumental
means for conducting
research, collection and processing of
data (PLO 15).
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Successful completion of the school geography course.
2. Knowledge of theoretical foundations of the school course of physics.
Course content
The course consists of four content modules. The first is devoted to the study of
general properties of the atmosphere, its chemical composition and physical and chemical processes in it,
solar radiation and its transformation in interaction with the underlying surface, the second -
thermal regime of the earth's surface and atmosphere, the third - phase transformations of water in the
atmosphere, the main characteristics of air humidity, cloud formation processes, their
classification, precipitation processes, classification of precipitation and ground
hydrometeors, the fourth - the study of patterns of atmospheric pressure changes in
horizontal and vertical, the baric field and its components, the wind and the forces that determine it, the general circulation of the atmosphere.
the general circulation of the atmosphere, air masses, atmospheric fronts, the basics of
of synoptic meteorology.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Основна: (Базова)
1. В о д ч и ц ь О . Г . , З а т у л а В . І . Основи метеорології і кліматології. Київ: НАУ, 2017.
360 с.
2. П а л а м а р ч у к Л . В . , Ш е в ч е н к о О . Г . Метеорологічні прилади та вимірювання.
Київ: Вид-во «Інтерконтиненталь-Україна», 2012. 123 с.
3. П р о ц е н к о Г . Д . Метеорологія та кліматологія: Навчальний посібник. Київ: КПУ,
2007. 262 с.
4. С н і ж к о С . І . , П а л а м а р ч у к Л . В . , З а т у л а В . І . Метеорологія: Підручник. Київ:
ВПЦ «Київський університет», 2010. 592 с.
5. Ш е в ч е н к о О . Г . , С н іж к о С . І . , К р у к і в с ь к а А . В . Практикум з метеорології
та кліматології. Київ: ФОП Маслаков, 2018. 117 с.
6. З а т у л а В . І . , Т и т а р е н к о Л . М . Тлумачний словник з метеорології та кліматології.
Черкаси: Вид. від. ЧНУ ім. Б. Хмельницького, 2009. 76 с.
7. Ш к о л ь н и й Є . П . Фізика атмосфери: Підручник. Київ: КНТ, 2007. 508 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, practical work, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment is carried out during the semester for all types of work, including
independent work and individual tasks.
Language of instruction
This discipline is taught by the following teachers
The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline