Basics of hydrology and oceanology

Course: Geography

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Basics of hydrology and oceanology
ОК 28
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PRN 14. Explain the spatial differentiation of the geographic envelope and geographic environment at the global, regional, and local territorial levels PRN 16. Explain the changes that occur in the geographical environment under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors PRN 18. Apply basic conceptual, terminological, the conceptual apparatus of geography, its theoretical and empirical understandings at the level that allows the interpretation of natural geographical and socio-geographical phenomena and processes PRN 21. Characterize and evaluate natural conditions and resources, population and economy of the world and Ukraine PRN 25. Operate with the basic laws of nature at the level of formed natural science competence Отправить отзыв Боковые панели История Сохраненные
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Successful completion of the courses "Geology", "Meteorology", "Soil science", "Physics with the basics of geophysics", "Higher mathematics with the basics of mathematical statistics", "Chemistry with basics of geochemistry"; 2. Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of geology, earth science, meteorology, physics, chemistry, physical geography; 3. To have elementary practical skills in the analysis of cartographic materials, generalization of physical and geographical conditions according to various thematic maps, processing of materials observations of hydrometeorological elements, hydrographic calculations characteristics of water bodies and their basins.
Course content
students' acquisition of knowledge about Earth's hydrosphere and its origin, structure, composition, properties, physical and chemical processes, which it takes place, about the interaction of the hydrosphere with other geospheres - the atmosphere and lithosphere, about the subject of studying general hydrology and its sections - land hydrology and oceanology, about the distribution of water on the globe and types of water bodies, about the main physical and chemical properties and composition of natural waters, about the components of the water balance, in detail - about hydrology of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, swamps, glaciers, underground waters, oceans and seas, about methods of studying and researching water objects on land and the World Ocean, about the essence hydrological processes and phenomena, about the place and role of water in the functioning of ecosystems that have composition and properties formed under the action of natural and anthropogenic factors in different environmental components.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Атлас світу. – ДНВП «Картографія», 2005. 336 с. 2. Вишневський В.І. Річки і водойми України. Стан і використання: Монографія. К.: Віпол, 2000. 376 с. 3. Вишневський В.І. Дніпро біля Києва.- К.: Інтерпрес ЛТД, Ніка-Центр, 2005. 92 с. 4. Вишневський В.І. Малі річки Києва К. : Інтерпрес, 2013. 5. Водні ресурси у вимірах природного багатства України. / [М. А. Хвесик та ін.; за заг. ред. М. А. Хвесика ]; НАН України, Держ. установа «Ін-т економіки природокористування та сталого розвитку НАН України». Київ: Ін-т економіки природокористування та сталого розвитку, 2016. 108 с. 6. Гребінь В. В., Хільчевський В. К., Сташук В. А. та ін. Водний фонд України. Штучні водойми. Водосховища і ставки. Київ : Інтерпрес ЛТД, 2014. 164 с. 7. Косовець О.О. Вишневський В.І. Гідрологічні характеристики річок України К.: Ніка- центр, 2003. 324 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, practical, independent work, teacher consultation
Assessment methods and criteria
Final assessment in the form of an exam: the maximum number of points per exam - 40 points, the minimum number of points that are added to the semester ones - 24 points (60% of the maximum number of points assigned to the exam).
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Oleksandr Obodovskyi
Hydrology and hydroecology
heohrafichnyi fakultet


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Hydrology and hydroecology
heohrafichnyi fakultet