Behavioral evolution and anthropogenesis
Course: BIOLOGY (Master) FULL-TIME
Structural unit: Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center
Behavioral evolution and anthropogenesis
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PO02. Use libraries, information databases, and Internet resources to find the necessary information. PLO05. Analyze and evaluate the impact of biological achievements on the development of society. To know and analyze the principles of structural and functional organization, mechanisms of regulation and adaptation of organisms. PO20. On the basis of in-depth knowledge of natural sciences to form an idea of the laws of individual and historical development of biological systems at different levels of organization, the role of system processes in their formation, functioning and plasticity, features of their cooperative interaction, as well as the systematic organization of life. PO40. To be able to summarize various experimental data and justify the thesis of the unity of the human body and animals as a whole.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1) Successful completion of the courses "Physiology and Anatomy of Humans and Animals", "CNS Physiology", "Physiology of Sensory Systems" 2) Ability to independently apply knowledge of cytology, physiology, biochemistry, anatomy and other disciplines, work with scientific and methodological literature. 3. Possession of basic skills of system analysis.
Course content
The discipline "Evolution of Behavior and Anthropogenesis" covers: the study of the development and formation of man as a biological species, a comparative analysis of the anatomical and morphological features and behavior of hominids in general, ancient man, modern apes and man in particular, the definition of common and specific mechanisms for the implementation of behavioral reactions, analysis of the emergence and development of the psyche. In the course of studying the discipline, the importance of knowledge of anthropogenesis and evolutionary ethology for human and animal physiology, psychophysiology, neurobiology of human behavior, psychology of social communications, as well as zoology, evolutionary and ecological physiology is presented and demonstrated.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Сегеда С. Антропологія / К.: Либідь, 2009. - 424 с.
2. De Corse C.R., Scupin R. Anthropology: Основи // Пер. з англ. - К.: Пірсон, 2016.
3. Коттак К.П. Антропологія: Дослідження людського розмаїття // Published by McGraw-Hil, 2008.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Laboratory work, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
- semester assessment: 1. Module control work 1: PH 1.1; 1.2, 1.3, 2.1 - 20 points/10 points 2. Module control work 2: PH 1.4; 2.1, 2.2 - 20 points/10 points 3. Assessment of laboratory work: PH 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 - 10 points/5 points 3. Summary of PH 4.1 -10 points / 5 points - final assessment: in the form of an exam
Language of instruction
This discipline is taught by the following teachers
The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline