Course: BIOLOGY (Master) PART-TIME
Structural unit: Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PR2. Use libraries, information databases, Internet resources to search for the necessary information.
PR3. Carry out coordinated work for the result in the team, taking into account public, state and industrial interests.
PR7. Describe and analyze the principles of structural and functional organization, mechanisms of regulation and adaptation of organisms to the influence of various factors.
PR14. Adhere to the norms of academic integrity in the study and conduct of scientific activities, know the basic legal norms for the protection
intellectual property.
PR16. Critically comprehend theories, principles, methods in various fields of biology to solve practical problems and problems.
PR 19. Solve scientific-theoretical, research and applied problems of biology by appropriate methods.
PR 37. Be able to use modern methods of cytological and histological analysis to determine the physiological status of the cell
Form of study
External form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Successful mastering of Bachelor's degree courses.
2. Ability to independently apply knowledge from various biological disciplines, perform laboratory and practical work, work with scientific and methodological
3. Have basic skills in working with materials and equipment used in biological laboratories.
Course content
"Chronobiology" is the science of temporal organization of biological systems. During the study of this discipline the classification and characteristics of the main biorhythms of living organisms, including humans, their physiological and adaptive significance, mechanisms of regulation; as well as - disorders of biorhythms (desynchronosis), methods of their treatment and prevention. In addition, the basics of chronopharmacology, chronotherapy and chronooncology are studied.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Dzerzhinsky M.E., Varenyuk I.M., Demyanchuk N.V. Chronobiology: textbook. - Kyiv: Interservice, 2013. - 241 p.
2. Dzerzhinsky M.E. Neuroendocrine regulation of the seasonal breeding cycle in birds. - Kyiv: Agricultural Education, 1996. - 282 p.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, independent work, laboratory work.
Assessment methods and criteria
- semester assessment:
1. Modular control work (remote) - RN 1.1, 1.2; 1.3; 2.1; 2.2; 3.1; 4.1 - 30 points / 15 points
2. Final modular control work - RN 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 2.1; 2.2; 3.1; 4.1 - 30 points / 15 points
- final assessment: in the form of an exam
Language of instruction
This discipline is taught by the following teachers
The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline