Methodology and organization of scientific research with the basics of intellectual property
Course: BIOLOGY (Master) PART-TIME
Structural unit: Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center
Methodology and organization of scientific research with the basics of intellectual property
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PR2. Use libraries, information databases, Internet resources to search for the necessary information.
PR4. Solve complex problems in the field of biology, generate and evaluate ideas.
PR5. Analyze and evaluate the impact of biology on the development of society.
PR8. Apply during research knowledge of the peculiarities of the development of modern biological science, basic
methodological principles of scientific research, methodological and methodological tools for conducting research in specialization.
PR9. Plan research, choose effective research methods and their material support.
PR10. Present the results of scientific work in writing (in the form of a report, scientific publications, etc.) and orally (in the form of reports and defense of the report) using modern technologies, argue their position in the scientific discussion.
Form of study
External form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Successful mastering of courses "Philosophy". Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of professional biological disciplines.
Course content
The curriculum consists of two content modules and reveals the meaning of "methodology" and "research methods", provides an understanding of science as research, considers specific scientific, general scientific and philosophical levels of methodology, reveals the role of intellectual property as intellectual capital in social economic development of society and its place in the natural sciences. Students are taught the basics of national and foreign legislation in the field of intellectual property protection; defines the basic rights and obligations of all participants in legal relations arising in connection with the creation, use of intellectual property rights or disposal of rights to such objects; features of legal protection of various objects of intellectual property; prevention of infringements of intellectual property rights.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Bazilevich V.D. Intellectual property: textbook. К.: Knowledge, 2014. - 671 p.
2. Vlasenko L., Ladanyuk A., Kishenko V. Methodology of scientific research: textbook. allowance.- M.: Lira-K Publishing House, 2018.-352 p.
3. Danilyan O.G., Dzoban E.P. Methodology of scientific research: textbook. allowance.–K.: Publishing house "Pravo", 2019. -368 p.
4. Evtushenko M.Yu., Khizhnyak M.I. Methodology and organization of scientific research: textbook. allowance – K .: Publishing House “Center for Educational
Literature”, 2019. -350 p.
5.Intellectual property in Ukraine: collection of legislative and normative acts (official text). - K .: Palivoda A.V., 2015. - 208p.
6. Kisly V.M. Organization of scientific research: textbook. allowance. - K .: University book, 2018. - 224 p.
7.Koryagin M., Chik V. Fundamentals of scientific research: textbook. allowance.-K.: Alert Publishing House, 2019.-492.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lecture, independent work, seminar
Assessment methods and criteria
-Semester assessment:
1. Module control work 1 (remotely) - PH 1.1-2.2 - 10 points/5 points
2. Module control work 2 (remotely) - PH 1.1-2.2 - 10 points/5 points
3. Performing tasks (seminar) - PL 2.1 - PL 4.1 - 40 points/20 points
-Final assessment: in the form of an exam
Language of instruction
This discipline is taught by the following teachers
The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline