Pathology of the reproductive system

Course: BIOLOGY (Bachelor) FULL-TIME

Structural unit: Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center

Pathology of the reproductive system
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
8 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PR07. To have techniques of self-education and self improvement. Be able to design the trajectory of professional growth and personal development, applying the acquired knowledge. PR08. Know and understand the main terms, concepts, theories and laws in the field of biological sciences and on the border of subject areas. PR09. To comply with the provisions of biological ethics, rules of biological safety and biological protection PR12. Demonstrate knowledge of the structure, life processes and functions of living organisms, understand the mechanisms of regulation of physiological functions to maintain the homeostasis of biological systems. PR19. Apply methods of determining structural and functional characteristics of biological systems at different levels of the organization in practical activities.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Successful mastering of the disciplines "General Cytology", "Molecular Biology", "General Histology", "Biology of Individual Development", "Human Anatomy and Physiology". 2. Ability to independently apply knowledge of cytology, histology, molecular biology, biochemistry, anatomy, etc. disciplines for solving specific scientific and practical problems; work with scientific and scientific-methodical literature. 3. Possession of basic skills of systems analysis
Course content
"Pathology of the reproductive system" is an applied branch of biology whose task is to determine various types of pathological changes in the functioning of the reproductive system at different levels of its system organization. The main groups of pathological conditions of the female and male reproductive system are considered - molecular genetic and chromosomal, infectious and inflammatory, endocrine, proliferative and tumor disorders. Their causes and mechanisms of development are analyzed at the molecular-genetic, cytological, and histophysiological levels.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Основи патології за Роббінсом: у 2 томах. Том 1 / Віней Кумар, Абул К. Аббас, Джон К. Астер; переклад 10-го англ. видання, 2019. 420 с. 2. Акушерство та гінекологія: У 4 т. — Т. 1: Акушерство: Нац. підручник для мед. ВНЗ ІV р. а. — 2-ге вид., випр. Затверджено МОЗ і МОН / За ред. В. М. Запорожана. — К., 2017. — 1032 с. 3. Гінекологічна ендокринологія. Клінічні лекції/І. Б. Манухін, Л. Г. Тумілович, М. А. Геворкян, Є. І. Манухіна. - 4-те вид. , перероб. та дод. - ГЕОТАР-Медіа, 2020. - 304 с. : іл. - (Серія "Бібліотека лікаря-фахівця"). – 304 с. (Серія "Бібліотека лікаря-спеціаліста") – ISBN 978-5-9704-5821-1. 4. Посібник з репродуктивної медицини. За ред. Б. Карра, Р. Блекуелла та Р. Азіза. Пров. з англ. - М.: "Практика", 2015. - 832 с. 5. Запорожан В.М., Міщенко В.П. Акушерська патологія: атлас, навчальний посібник. - Одеса:Одеський медуніверситет,2005.- 292 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, individual work
Assessment methods and criteria
Semester assessment: 1. Modular test 1 - PH 1.1 - 2.5 (block Section 1) - 20 points / 10 points 2. Modular test work 2 - PH 1.1 - 2.5 (Section 2 block) - 20 points / 10 points 4. Preparation of the presentation / report RN 4.1 - 20 points / 10 points - final assessment: in the form of an exam
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Galyna Vitaliivna Ostrovska
Department of Cytology, Histology and Reproductive Medicine
Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center
Andrej Serhiiovych Pustovalov
Department of Cytology, Histology and Reproductive Medicine
Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center