Political technologies

Course: Political science

Structural unit: Faculty of Philosophy

Political technologies
ОК 10
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1. To apply the understanding of the nature and meaning of politics as a specific type of human activity and a special field of knowledge to solve complex problems of political science, including the development of ideas about politics and its modern interpretations, the peculiarities of the exercise of power in various political systems, their socio-economic, historical and sociocultural context. 6. Critically consider the principles of the exercise of power and public policy, political institutions and processes, world politics and the politics of individual countries and regions. 8. Develop and implement scientific and applied projects in the field of political science and related interdisciplinary areas, taking into account methodological, economic, social, legal and ethical aspects.
Form of study
Distance form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Before starting this course, students should know the basics of imageology; basics of practical political science; basic principles of the theory of political communication. 2. To be able to collect and interpret information about political communication and the information space of politics; apply the main terms, categories and classifications of political science in the analysis of political phenomena and processes; identify modern trends in the development of political communication, forecast the prospects of their development, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of political processes in the conditions of informatization; 3. Possess elementary skills of scientific research and information management; critical attitude and forecasting regarding political, economic, social events and phenomena; the use of foreign language professional political science informative sources.
Course content
The discipline "Political technologies" introduces students to the basics of political technologies, which are the basic form of organizing political influence in a democratic society. The historical development and stages of formation of political technologies are revealed. The subject, tasks, theoretical foundations, methodologies, main directions and problems of modern political technologies are determined. The basics of strategic planning of political campaigns are clarified. The basics of the image in political campaigns are considered, the main technologies of creating slogans and messages of political campaigns are outlined. The main tactical techniques of organizing political campaigns are studied.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Bebyk V.M. Menedzhment vyborchoi kompanii : resursy, tekhnolohii, marketynh: Navch.-metod. posib / Valerii Bebyk. –– K. : MAUP, 2001. –– 214 s. 2. Bohush D. 10 sekretiv politychnykh kampanii. K. : Berezovska, 2017. 168 s. 3. Kochubei L.O. Vyborchi tekhnolohii / Larysa Kochubei. –– K. : Ukrainskyi tsentr politychnoho menedzhmentu, 2008. –– 332 s. 4. Oleshchuk P. M. Novitni politychni tekhnolohii informatsiinoho vplyvu: monohrafiia. Kyiv: Vydavets Vadym Karpenko, 2018. 288 s. 5. Oleshchuk P.M. Politychni tekhnolohii. Informatsiinyi aspekt. Navchalnyi posibnyk. K.: Vydavets Vadym Karpenko, 2020. 176 s. 6. Pocheptsov H. Polittekhnolohii v zahalnii systematytsi tekhnolohii vplyvu / H. Pocheptsov // Suchasna ukrainska polityka: polityky i politolohy pro nei. — 2008. – Spetsvypusk: Politychni tekhnolohii. — S. 6––20. 7. Prykladna politolohiia: navch. posib. / [za red. V.P. Horbatenka]. –– K. : VTs «Akademiia», 2008. –– 472 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment of semester work: 1. Oral presentation, additions and participation in discussions at seminars: 21 / 35 points 2. Independent work (making a plan): 5 / 10 points 3. Independent work (press release): 12 / 20 points 4. Independent work (grant application): 10 / 15 points 5. Final control work in written form - 12 / 20 points
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline