Іnformation and cybernetic security in public administration

Course: Local self-government

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service

Іnformation and cybernetic security in public administration
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 1. To know the theoretical and applied principles of development and analysis of public policy, including in the field of local self-government, the foundations and technologies of management decision-making by local self-government bodies and officials. PLO 5. Determine the priority areas of implementation of e-governance in the system of local self-government and development of electronic democracy. PLO 13. Determine the priority areas of implementation of e-governance in the system of local self-government and development of electronic democracy. PLO 14. Develop and implement measures to adapt and implement the best domestic and foreign practices of public administration bodies and other public sector organizations.
Form of study
External form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know: the essence and features of information and cyber security in the general system of national security; the basics of state and international policy in the field of ensuring information and cyber security and the content of the main provisions of regulatory and legal acts in this field; basic laws, principles and rules of handling information; basic methods of manipulating human consciousness, influencing public opinion using modern information and communication technologies. 2. Be able to apply the legislative and regulatory framework, state and international requirements, practices and standards in the field of information and/or cyber security in order to carry out professional activities; identify real and potential threats in the field of information and cyber security and ways to prevent them.
Course content
The theoretical and methodological foundations of information and cyber security in public administration are revealed. The organizational and legal framework for ensuring information and cyber security in Ukraine and the world are considered; modern challenges to information and cyber security of the state in the conditions of digital transformation and information warfare; peculiarities of working with information in the state administration and countering aggressive information influences on ODA, as well as the essence of the phenomenon of information terrorism and its consequences for the management system is revealed.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Глобальна та національна безпека: словник-довідник / уклад.: Г.П.Ситник, О.І.Пошедін, М.М. Шевченко, С.П.Завгородня, М.Г.Орел; за заг. ред. Г.П.Ситника. К.: НАДУ, 2016. 140 с. 2. Національна безпека України. Лісовська Ю., Лісовський П. Київ: Ун-т "Україна", 2020. 292 с. 3. Національна безпека України: еволюція проблем внутрішньої політики : Вибр. наук. праці. Власюк О. С. К. : НІСД, 2016. 528 с. 4. Цифрова трансформація публічного управління : кол. моногр. / О. В. Карпенко, І.Й.Малий, Г. В. Муравицька та ін. Київ : НАДУ, 2020. 256 с. 5. Цифрове врядування : монографія / О. В. Карпенко, Ж. З. Денисюк, В. В. Наместнік [та ін.] ; за. ред. О. В. Карпенка. Київ : ІДЕЯ ПРИНТ, 2020. 336 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Planned educational activities and teaching methods Lecture, practical classes, independent work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation methods and criteria Tests, surveys, independent tasks, analytical tasks, presentations, surveys, discussion.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Rena Rubenivna Marutian
Department of Global and National Security
Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Global and National Security
Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service