Lobbying in parliamentary activities

Course: Educational and scientific program: Parliamentarism and parliamentary activities

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service

Lobbying in parliamentary activities
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Solve complex tasks of public administration, taking into account the requirements of the law, identify legal conflicts and problems, develop draft regulations to eliminate them. Implement effective management innovations, resources, risks, projects, changes, quality, apply modern models, approaches and technologies, international experience in the design and reorganization of management and organizational structures. Be able to communicate effectively, argue their position, use modern information and communication technologies in the field of public administration and administration on the basis of social responsibility, legal and ethical norms. Develop and implement measures for adaptation and implementation of best domestic and foreign practices of public administration, including representative authorities.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Before studying this course, students must know the basic theoretical principles of parliamentarism and parliamentary activity. Be able to collect and interpret information on phenomena and phenomena of public administration and administration, management processes and events; apply the basic terms, categories and classifications of public administration and administration in the analysis of socio-political phenomena and processes; identify current trends and transformations of public administration; to understand the modern managerial discourse, to predict the prospects of their development taking into account the peculiarities of the management processes in the context of globalization, decentralization of power in Ukraine. Have basic skills in research and information management; critical attitude and forecasting regarding political, economic, managerial events and phenomena; use of foreign language professional management information sources.
Course content
The discipline "Lobbying in Parliamentary Activities" provides theoretical knowledge on the issues of lobbying in parliamentary activities. Foreign lobbying practices in the system of interaction between the state, business and civil society institutions, as well as the concept of "civilized" and "shadow" lobbying are considered separately. The factors that most influence the mechanisms of lobbying economic and public interests are identified, examples of strategy and tactics of parliamentary lobbying campaigns are given. The discipline is designed for students majoring in "Public Administration", politicians, practitioners, experts, analysts.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
3. 1. Механізми узгодження інтересів у виробленні публічної політики в Україні : монографія / авт. кол. : С. О. Телешун та ін. ; за заг. ред. С. О. Телешуна, д-ра політ. наук, проф. Київ : НАДУ, 2021. 216 с. 4. 2. Міжсекторальні взаємодії як основа публічного управління : навч. посіб. / авт. кол. : С. О. Телешун, С. В. Ситник, І. В. Рейтерович та ін. Київ : НАДУ, 2018. 224 с. 5. 3. Парламентаризм : підручник. 2-ге вид., допов. й розшир. / В. А. Гошовська [та ін.]; за ред. В.А. Гошовської. Київ : НАДУ, 2019. 704 с. 6. 4. Представницька влада у державотворчому процесі України : монографія / за ред. В.А. Гошовської. Київ : НАДУ, 2018. 384с. 7. 5. Публічна політика : навч. посіб. / авт. кол. : С. О. Телешун, С. В. Ситник, І. В. Рейтерович та ін. ; за заг. ред. С. О. Телешуна, д-ра політ. наук, проф. – Київ : НАДУ, 2016. 340 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, practical classes, independent work, current survey, written test.
Assessment methods and criteria
Knowledge control is carried out according to the ECTS system, which provides for a two-level assessment of mastered material, including assessment of theoretical training, which is 25% of the total grade for the semester and assessment of practical training, which is 75% of the total grade for the semester. Semester assessment: is carried out during the semester of all types of work, including surveys, independent work, performance and presentation of individual analytical tasks.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Ihor Viacheslavovych Reiterovych
Department of Parliamentarysm
Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Parliamentarysm
Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service