Quality management in public service authorities

Course: “Civil Service” - extramural studies

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service

Quality management in public service authorities
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
To know the theoretical and applied bases of policy making and public policy analysis, including in the sphere of local self-government, fundamentals and technologies of managerial decision-making by local self-government bodies and officials. To use modern statistical methods, models, digital technologies, specialized software to solve complex problems arising in the process of implementation of the right to local self-government. To develop sound managerial decisions necessary for the implementation of the right to local self-government taking into account European and Euro-Atlantic integration issues, to take into account the objectives, existing legislative, time and resource constraints, to assess the political, social, economic and environmental consequences of decision options for a particular territory and the state as a whole. To plan and carry out scientific and applied research in the field of carry out scientific and applied research in the field of local government.
Form of study
External form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
To know: basic principles of public administration, fundamentals of legislative support for the activities of public authorities. To be able to use analytical and statistical methods of information processing, work with national and international databases, scientific and other sources of information. To be capable of analyzing, synthesizing, processing and visualizing statistical, sociological and other data, working with legal and regulatory frameworks, designing and presenting data using Microsoft Office programs (Excel, Word, Power Point etc.)
Course content
Topic 1: Theoretical foundations of quality management. Topic 2. Conceptual framework for quality management in public administration authorities. Topic 3. Systems and models of quality management in public administration authorities. Topic 4. Introduction of quality management systems in public authorities.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Instrumenty zabezpechennia efektyvnosti, rezultatyvnosti ta yakosti diialnosti orhaniv derzhavnoi vlady / M. Kanavets, Yu. Lykhach, A. Kukulia, O. Butenko, Yu. Yerchenko; Za zah. red. V. Kupriia. K.: 2019. 178 s. 2. Koltun V.S. Zakonomirnosti ta tendentsii rozvytku mistsevoho samovriaduvannia: komplementarnyi pidkhid : monohrafiia / V.S. Koltun. K. : NADU; Feniks, 2015. 360 s. 3. Koltun V.S. Sumisna diialnist mistsevykh orhaniv publichnoi vlady u sferi nadannia posluh. Upravlinnia yakistiu posluh v orhanakh publichnoi vlady. Orhanizatsiia nadannia publichnykh posluh na mistsevomu rivni: navch. posib. [H.A. Borshch, N.V. Vasylieva, O.I. Vasylieva ta in]; 2-he vyd., dopov. I pererobl.:NADU, 2018. 400 s. 4. Koltun V.S., Shamrai N.V. Vzaiemodiia orhaniv mistsevoi vlady u sferi nadannia munitsypalnykh posluh : navch. posib. / avt. kol. : H.A. Borshch, N.V. Vasylieva, O.I. Vasylieva ta in. ; K. : NADU, 2017. 444 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Semester evaluation of such types of work as: discussions, questioning, problem solving, testing, Test papers are carried out in the classes, which take place according to the timetable. Independent work of students consists of systematic study of normative and legislative acts and assessment reports on the level of export control regulations in Ukraine. The learnt material is checked during each practical lesson in the form of an oral examination. In addition, the results of independent processing of the material are checked in the form of short written papers, each of which is graded a maximum of 5 points. The work is completed by the student completing additional computational assignments in the discipline
Assessment methods and criteria
Knowledge control is based on the ECTS system, which provides for a two-level evaluation of the learnt material, the theoretical training evaluation is 25% of the total semester grade; the practical training evaluation is 75% of the total semester grade. Semester evaluation (MAX - 80 points / MIN - 48 points): 1. Performance of practical (seminar) classes - max. 35 points/min. 21 points. 2. Test papers - max. 10 points/min.6 points (two modular control works). 3. Independent work - max. 5 points/min. 3 points 4 Individual analytical work - max. 30 points/minute. 18 points. Final evaluation: The final control is carried out in the form of a test papers, with a maximum of 20 points, carried out at the last practical session. The final evaluation is based on the results of the semester as the sum of the points received during the semester, including the points received during the independent work and the final test papers.
Language of instruction


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