Master's Thesis

Course: Intercultural Germanistics (German and English)

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Master's Thesis
ОК 14
Module type
Кваліфікаційна робота
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 13. To explain the essence of both specific linguistic issues and one’s point of view and its justification to experts and laypeople in an accessible and argumentative manner, particularly to individuals who are studying.  PLO 15. To choose optimal research approaches and methods of analysis for the specific language and literary material. PLO 16. To use specialized conceptual knowledge in a chosen linguistic field to solve complex tasks and issues, which require updates and integration of knowledge, often under conditions of incomplete or lacking information and contradictory requirements. PLO 17. To plan, organize, perform and present research and / or innovative developments in a specific linguistic field. PLO 18. To present the results of one’s research to the academic community in academic publications or presentations at conferences, round tables, seminars, etc.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
The preparation of the master's thesis requires the basic skills of conducting scientific research, in particular working with scientific literature and analyzing language material, having knowledge of the theory of the German language, as well as practical knowledge of the German language at a level not lower than B2 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Course content
The master's thesis is an independent written scientific research work, which involves the study of a specific scientific problem with mandatory independent scientific research and recording of its result. The preparation of the master's thesis involves conducting scientific research on a topic chosen by the student. Research topics can cover various linguistic fields (phonetics, grammar, lexicology, stylistics, text linguistics, discourse science, cognitive linguistics), as well as problems of translation from German into Ukrainian. The scientific research work, which is carried out within the framework of the preparation of the master's thesis, covers the following components: - collection and processing of scientific literature on the research issue; – collection of empirical linguistic material and its analysis and/or planning and conducting of a scientific experiment; – coverage of the obtained results in the text of the master's thesis; - preparation of a presentation for the defense of the master's thesis. The master's thesis is written in Ukrainian (in some cases it is allowed to be written in German), its volume is 65-80 pages of printed text, and the list of used sources must contain at least 70 items.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Основнi вимоги до пiдготовки та написання навчально-наукових i квалiфiкацiйних робiт (для студентiв-фiлологiв) : Методичнi рекомендацiї. — Київ : Київський нацiональний унiверситет iменi Тараса Шевченка; Iнститут фiлологiї, 2019. — 92 c. 2. Мазур О.В., Подвойська О.В., Радецька С.В. Основи наукових дослiджень / О.В. Мазур, О.В. Подвойська, С.В. Радецька. — Вiнниця : Нова книга, 2013. — 119 с. 3. Демкiвський А.В. Основи методологiї наукових дослiджень : навч. посiб. / А.В. Демкiвський. — К. : Акад. мунiцип. упр., 2012. — 276 c. 4. Павличко О.О., Материнська О.В., Тимченко Є.П. Мовознавча термiнологiя для германiстiв / О.О. Павличко, О.В. Материнська, Є.П. Тимченко. — К. : Iнтерсервiс, 2020. — 286 с. 5. Положення про систему виявлення та запобігання академічному плагіату у Київському національному університеті імені Тараса Шевченка [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : prevention-of-academic-plagiarism-in-University.pdf
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Learning activities: consultations with the head of practice, independent work. Teaching methods: research method (study of scientific literature, collection and analysis of linguistic material, generalization of obtained results, preparation of a scientific text), preparation and discussion of a presentation based on the results of scientific research.
Assessment methods and criteria
Reviews of the master's thesis, defense of the master's thesis. Evaluation criteria for each form of control are given in the program.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Viktor Volodymyrovych Kozlovskyi
Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Studies
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Olena Valeriivna Materynska
Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Studies
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Lidiia Heorhiivna Kozhedub
Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Studies
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Oksana Oleksiivna Pavlychko
Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Studies
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology