Croatian country studies and folklore

Course: Slavic Stud. of Centr. & East. Europe & Balkans: Theor. & Appl. Stud.: Croat. & Ukr. Lang. & Lit

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Croatian country studies and folklore
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PRN2. Effectively work with Slavic information: select the necessary information from various sources, in particular from specialized literature and electronic databases, critically analyze and interpret it, organize, classify and systematize it. PRN3. To organize the process of one's education and self-education in the field of Slavic studies. PRN19. Have the skills to participate in scientific and/or applied research in the field of philology.
Form of study
Distance form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
To know the main stages of the history of the people and the history of the Croatian state, the periodization scale of the history of European culture. - Be able to creatively apply the knowledge and methods of activity learned during the study of academic disciplines; have initial experience in conducting scientific and methodical work, research and experimental forms of cultural activity; plan and evaluate own work. - Possess elementary skills of scientific research and information management; critical attitude to the analyzed phenomena; use of foreign language professional informative sources; production of complex oral and written messages; interaction and cooperation in learning in exploratory situations.
Course content
Content of the curriculum The goal of the discipline is a comprehensive country studies panoramic coverage of modern Croatia in combination with a generalized analytical overview of the history of the Croatian state and statehood in a diachronic dimension, based on the theoretical foundations of country studies, the principles of classification and periodization of country studies material. The discipline is separately focused on the representative (geopolitical, natural-climatic, economic, legal, administrative, etc.) components of the geopolitical panorama of Croatia, on significant milestones in the history of the Croatian state.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
History of the Western and Southern Slavs (from ancient times to the 20th century). Course of lectures: Study guide / V.I.Yarovyi, P.M.Rudyakov, V.P.Shumilo and others. - K., 2003. Horvat J. Kultura Hrvata kroz 1000 godina: U 2 knj. - Zagreb, 2006. Local studies: education. manual / O. V. Kylin; Ukoopspilka, Lviv. commerce Acad. — Lviv, 2014. Local studies: a textbook / V. P. Kryzhanivskyi, M. S. Doroshko, V. I. Golovchenko, etc.; under the editorship [M. S. Doroshka]. — 2nd ed., revised. and additional — K.: Znannia, 2012 Local studies: theory and practice: textbook / M. P. Malska, N. V. Antonyuk, Yu. S. Zanko, N. M. Ganych; Lviv. national University named after I. Franko. — K.: TsUL, 2012 Maslyak P.O. Local studies: Textbook — K: Znannia, 2008.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures and practical classes, independent work, exam.
Assessment methods and criteria
Throughout the semester, after lectures on relevant topics, seminar classes are held, at which evaluations are carried out in accordance with the planned types of work. Assessment of semester work: 1. Oral response, additions, participation in discussions at lectures and seminars, blitz survey, current test: 25/45 points. 2. Control test: 11/15 points. Final evaluation: Written exam: 24/40 points. The semester final grade is formed by the points obtained by the student in the process of performing the specified types and forms of education and obtained in the exam. The maximum distribution is carried out according to the following algorithm: 60 points (60%) - semester control and 40 points (40%) - exam.
Language of instruction
Ukrainian, Croatian


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


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