Modern Ukrainian culture

Course: Cultural anthropology with professional study of foreign language

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Modern Ukrainian culture
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 1. Understand the specifics and peculiarities of the implementation of cultural ideas, images and meanings, as well as critically evaluate the possibilities of their interpretation for solving socially significant problems. PLO 2. Analyze textual and visual sources of information on cultural phenomena and processes, verify information in accordance with professional tasks. PLO 7. Evaluate historical achievements and the latest achievements of cultural studies. PLO 12. Collect, analyze and evaluate empirical evidence and interpret it in accordance with modern theoretical concepts of the relevant field of cultural studies. PLO 16.1. Skillfully apply the methodology of intertextuality and modern reconstructive techniques both in the field of cultural anthropology and in the interdisciplinary aspect.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Prior to taking this course, students should be familiar with the basics of periodization of the history of civilization and culture, know basic cultural concepts and categories; use modern methods and tools of cultural studies, data analysis methods and information technology to conduct research, analyze and present research results, and argue conclusions. To be able to work with original sources, scientific and commentary literature, to carry out in-depth analysis of scientific sources (on cultural anthropology, cultural practices, methods of collecting, processing and researching material from intangible cultural heritage), to apply modern information and communication technologies in teaching, to use information technologies to present the results of their own learning, to have basic skills of working in a team - an academic group. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and apply analytical skills.
Course content
The purpose of the discipline is to provide a philosophical and cultural component of training highly qualified, competitive, professional analysts and cultural managers with innovative, creative, analytical way of thinking, capable of effective professional research, teaching, analytical and organizational activities in the field of cultural anthropology, ethnocultural studies and the creation of innovative methods of studying and managing cultural processes, able to participate in the management of cultural institutions and bodies. Overview. The discipline introduces students to the basics of research on the historical, cultural and creative process of Ukrainian culture, is part of an in-depth understanding of world culture, patterns and features of the development of Ukrainian culture, great names of Ukrainian culture, cultural institutions and cultural policy. The discipline is important for the formation of national consciousness, understanding of the place and role of Ukrainians in the world cultural process, it is an interdisciplinary field of research on relations and processes of cultural policy-making in the field of cultural diplomacy and humanitarian policy. Studying the course involves mastering a number of competencies sufficient to achieve the goal and main objectives of this program, as well as sufficient to perform professional duties in the chosen specialty.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Dziuba I. Do we realize the national culture as an integrity? / Ivan Dziuba // From the well of years: a three-volume set - Kyiv: Oberegi: Helicon, 2001. - Vol. II. - P. 578-594. - (Series "Ukrainian Modern Literature"). 2. McLuhan M. Gutenberg's Galaxy: The Creation of Man's Print Culture / Marshall McLuhan / translated from English by A. Yudin - K.: Nika-Center, 2003. - 432 p. 3. Essays on Ukrainian Popular Culture - K.: UCCD, 1998. - 760 p. Nehoda N.V. Ukrainian contemporary-Art on the way to self-determination / N.V. Nehoda // Ukrainian culture: past, present, ways of development: a collection of scientific works: scientific notes. Rivne State University of the Humanities. In 2 vols. - Issue 16. - Rivne: RSU, 2010. - Vol. 1. - P. 90-95.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The curriculum of the discipline "Modern Ukrainian Culture" was created on the basis of the scientific school of the Department of Ukrainian Philosophy and Culture of the Faculty of Philosophy of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The course "Contemporary Ukrainian Culture" is included in the elective block 1. "Comparative Cultural Anthropology" and is taught in the third semester of the master's program - in accordance with the curriculum of the educational and scientific program "Cultural Anthropology with professional study of a foreign language". Forms of study: lectures, seminars, research seminar, independent work. During the semester, after lectures on relevant topics, seminars are held, where students are evaluated according to the types of work (oral response, supplement, report at a research seminar, blitz survey, participation in discussions at lectures and seminars, intermediate control, credit). A research seminar is held no later than the last lecture week.
Assessment methods and criteria
Knowledge control is carried out according to the ECTS system, which provides for a two-level assessment of the material learned, assessment of theoretical training - learning outcomes (knowledge) - 40% of the total grade, and assessment of practical training - learning outcomes (skills, communication, autonomy and responsibility - 60% of the total grade. Assessment of semester work: oral response, supplement, participation in the discussion during the lecture, creative and research tasks: scientific (popular science article, review, digest), report - 48/80 b. Of these: oral answer, supplement, participation in discussions at lectures and seminars, blitz survey, intermediate control test: 36/56 б. Scientific seminar Presentation of a scientific report: 12/24 б. The discipline ends with a written test: 12/20 b.
Language of instruction
Ukrainian Language


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline