
Course: Literary Creativity, Ukrainian Language and Literature and English

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
8 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 7 Understand the main issues of philology and approaches to their solution using appropriate methods and innovative approaches. PLO 8 Know and understand the language system, general characteristics of literature as the art of words, history of the Ukrainian language and literature, and be able to apply this knowledge in the professional activity. PLO 15 Carry out linguistic and literary analysis of the texts of various styles and genres. PLO 16 Know and understand the basic concepts and theories of the chosen philological specialization, be able to apply them in professional activity. PLO 19 Have the skills to participate in theoretical and/or applied studies in the field of philology.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Access to the "Literary Criticism" discipline requires the following competencies from the student: the learner should: 1) know the main stages of the development of world literary thought, the basics of literary analysis of artistic works; the fundamental philosophical works that contemplate the aesthetic experience of different epochs; factors shaping literary schools in the development of the science of literature; 2) be able to: operate with basic terms and concepts, characterize the main postulates of literary methodologies; systematize literary facts and phenomena, provide them with an objective assessment, and independently investigate them using the achievements of a particular methodological school; 3) possess elementary skills - apply acquired knowledge in practice (when writing essays, module control works, performing individual tasks such as writing articles, literature systematization on a chosen topic, etc.).
Course content
"Literary Criticism" ensures the formation of professional-oriented competencies in learners and involves mastering the latest literary methodologies aimed at comprehensive analysis of artistic works and the literary process. The goal of the educational discipline is to fully assimilate various methods of literary research as a system of theoretical and practical research activities, as a set of logical techniques for critical reception, and to form a knowledge base about analysis methods such as psychoanalytic, hermeneutic, phenomenological, receptive (receptive aesthetics), structural-semiotic, deconstructionist, gender (feminist criticism), postcolonial criticism, ecocriticism, literary onyriastics, valenceology, and skills in their application.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1.Баррі П. Вступ до теорії: літературознавство та культурологія. Київ, 2008. 2. Зборовська Ніла. Психоаналіз і літературознавство. Київ.,2003. 3. Козлик І. Літературознавчий аналіз художнього тексту / твору в умовах сучасної міжнаукової і міжгалузевої взаємодії. Брно,2020. 4.Мітчелл Дж. Психоаналіз і фемінізм. Львів, 2004. 5.Нич Р. Світ тексту: поструктуралізм і літературознавство. Львів, 2007. 6. Печарський А. Сучасний психоаналіз і українська література // Філологічні семінари. Парадигма сучасного літературознавства: світовий контекст. 2013. Вип.16. 7.Пригодій С. та інші. Архетипна критика американської літератури. Київ-Сімферополь,2008. 8.Пригодій С. Полікритика американського неоромантизму (шляхетність, химерність, утопія). Київ,2012. 9.Фізер М. Американське літературознавство. Історико-критичний нарис. Київ, 2006. 10. Фізер І.Філософія літератури. Київ,2012. (вибрані розділи).
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Educational activities include individual assignments (maximum grade 15, minimum 10.5 points), seminar responses (maximum grade 2, minimum 1 point), and an exam. Teaching methods include lectures, seminars, and independent work.
Assessment methods and criteria
The final assessment is conducted in the form of an exam. The maximum number of points for the exam is 40, and the minimum number of points (for a passing grade) added to the semester grades is 24 points (60% of the maximum points allocated for the exam). If a student scores less than 24 points on the exam (60% of 40 points allocated for the exam), these points are not added to the semester grade, regardless of the number of points obtained during the semester, and the final grade on the national scale is marked as "unsatisfactory." The correspondence scale for final points is as follows: Excellent - 90-100; Good - 75-89; Satisfactory - 60-74; Unsatisfactory - 0-59.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Nina Ivanivna Bernadska
Department of History of Ukrainian Literature, Theory of Literature and Literary Creativity
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology