Multi-semester discipline "History of Eastern Literature" (2st semester)

Course: Literary Creativity, Ukrainian Language and Literature and English

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Multi-semester discipline "History of Eastern Literature" (2st semester)
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 5 Cooperate with colleagues, representatives of other cultures and religions, supporters of different political views, etc. PLO 8 Know and understand the language system (Ukrianian and English ones), general characteristics of literature as the art of words, history of the Ukrainian language and literature, and be able to apply this knowledge in the professional activity. PLO 13 Analyze and interpret Ukrainian and foreign fiction and folklore, define their specificity and place in literature process (according to the selected specialization). PLP19 Have the skills to participate in theoretical and/or applied studies in the field of philology.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Having completed the courses "Fundamentals of Literary Studies" and "History of Western European Literature" in the first and second semesters, students are expected to have acquired a comprehensive understanding of the principles of analysis of works of art; the main tendencies of the literary process; aesthetic, social factors influencing literary development. They should be able to verbally and in the written form formulate one's own thoughts and judgments based on theoretical knowledge from the course of the history of Ukrainian and foreign literature; to analyze genre and style features of works; systematize literary facts and phenomena; independently analyze and research individual aspects of the literary process.
Course content
The course comprises two components and is conducted in both the first and second semesters. However, the task and purpose of the proposed course differ: it aims not only to introduce students to Eastern monuments but also, in acquainting them with the early and mature Middle Ages in the East, to trace the evolution of monument types, changes in literary nature, aesthetic criteria, and influential factors that particularly impact development. The course also explores processes of individualization of creativity, the emergence of new themes and forms, the unevenness of literary development, and the synthesis of medieval traditions with the pre-Renaissance and Renaissance complex of ideas in Eastern literature. Moreover, it seeks to present the literature of the East as "one of the sources of the culture of the reviving West."
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Грицик Л. Орієнтальний дискурс в українській літературі ХІХ – ХХ століть: парадигми розвитку, акценти. – Харків: вид. Іванченка, 2021., 224 с. 2. Зарубіжна література. Матеріали до вивчення літератур Сходу / упоряд. Л. Грицик. К.: ВЦ «Київський університет», 2006. 3. Качуровський І. Література європейського Середньовіччя. Кн. І. К.: ВД «Києво-Могилянська академія», 2005. 4. Шекера Я. Китайська література VIII-ХІІІ століть. Навчальний посібник. К.: ВЦ «Київський університет», 2013. 5. Історія зарубіжної літератури (літератури Давнього Сходу). Програма курсу, тематичний план лекцій, семінарських занять, завдань для самостійної роботи / укладач Л.В. Грицик. К., 2021.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Educational activities: verbal answer, creative work (presentation, abstract), performance of individual task, control work. Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, independent work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Verbal answer - 2 max/1 min, creative work (presentation, abstract) - 8 max/6 min, individual task - 5 max/3 min, control work - 10 max/6 min. The final grading is conducted in the form of the exam. The maximum grade is 40, and the minimum grade (for a positive grade), which is added to the semester points is 24. The exam is the written task. The exam paper comprises two tasks - one theoretical and one practical question, each allotted a maximum grade of 20 points.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Liydmyla Vasylivna Hrytsyk
Department of History of Ukrainian Literature, Theory of Literature and Literary Creativity
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Heorhii Oleksandrovych Bandura
Department of History of Ukrainian Literature, Theory of Literature and Literary Creativity
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology