History of Folklore Studies (1st semester)

Course: Folklore Studies, Ukrainian Language and Literature and Foreign Language

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

History of Folklore Studies (1st semester)
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 16. Identify the main world mythologies in folklore and analyze them. PLO 20. Apply in practice the knowledge of the mechanisms of the emergence and development of the phenomena of the traditional cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people (specialization "Applied Folklore").
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Before starting the study of this discipline, students should know basic information about the history of Ukraine, in particular, the development of cultural life in Ukraine in the 19th century, to be able to select, process and systematize scientific sources on a specific issue, to have elementary skills of abstracting a scientific text.
Course content
The goal of the discipline is to form students a holistic idea of ​​folklore studies as a philological discipline, to acquaint them with the methods of scientific research and the activities of folklorists of the 19th century, to reveal the theoretical provisions of the leading methodological concepts in order to apply them in the student's research practice. Abstract. The educational discipline is one of the main ones in the comprehensive training of bachelors in the specialty "Folklore, Ukrainian language and literature and foreign language", designed for two semesters and included in the complex of teaching compulsory disciplines. The course provides students with the terminology, main folkloristic schools, methodological approaches, representatives and their works from the history of folklore, which reflect the theoretical foundations of the development of folkloristics in the 19th century. As a result, students develop a professional vision of the peculiarities of the development of Ukrainian folkloristics in the 19th century, develop criteria for the analysis of the folklore phenomenon, taking into account current methods and techniques.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Harasym YA.I. Narysy do istoriyi ukrayinsʹkoyi folʹklorystyky: navch. posib. Lʹviv: LDU im. Ivana Franka, 1999. 144 s. Hrytsa S. Ukrayinsʹka folʹklorystyka XIX – pochatku XX stolittya i muzychnyy folʹklor: narys / S. Hrytsa. K.; Ternopilʹ: ASTON, 2007. 152 s. Davydiuk V.F. Vubrani lektsii z ukrainskogo folkloru (v avtorskomu dyskyrsi). Lutsk, 2014. 448 s. Dmytrenko M. Ukrayinsʹka folʹklorystyka druhoyi polovyny KHIKH stolittya: shkoly, postati, problemy. K.: Stalʹ, 2004. Kyrchiv R. Istoriya ukrayinsʹkoyi folʹklorystyky. T. 1. Preromantychna i romantychna folʹklorystyka. Lʹviv. 2017. 524 s. Overchuk O. L. Folʹklorystychnyy dyskurs naukovoyi diyalʹnosti Pivdenno-Zakhidnoho viddilu Rosiysʹkoho heohrafichnoho tovarystva : navch. posib. / O. L. Overchuk. K. : VPTS "Kyyivsʹkyy universytet", 2018. 319 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The educational discipline is designed for 2 semesters, consists of 4 content parts. In the first semester, students master 1 content part - "Folklore as a science. Historical and cultural prerequisites for the formation of Ukrainian folkloristics. Folklore of the first half of the 19th century." Forms of education: lectures, seminars, independent work. After the lectures on the relevant topics, seminar classes are held, which are evaluated according to the types of work (oral answer, supplement, report at a scientific seminar, participation in discussions at lectures and seminar classes, intermediate control test, exam).
Assessment methods and criteria
Knowledge control is carried out according to the ECTS system, which provides for a two-level assessment of the learned material, assessment of theoretical training - learning outcomes (knowledge) - 40% of the total assessment, and assessment of practical training - learning outcomes (skills, communication, autonomy and responsibility - 60% of the overall assessment. Evaluation of the semester work: oral answer at the seminar: 16/32 points, intermediate control paper: 14/20 points. Keeping a synopsis of primary sources: 6/8 p. The overall grade for the semester consists of the points received for the classroom work, which synthesizes and independent work on the processing of theoretical material in preparation for the classroom (oral answers, additions, intermediate control papers) and keeping a summary of primary sources. All types of work for the semester have a total of 36/60 points. The discipline ends with a written exam of 24/40 points.
Language of instruction
Ukrainian Language


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Оksana Leonidivna Overchuk
Department of folklore
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of folklore
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology