Information technologies in management

Course: Informatics

Structural unit: Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics

Information technologies in management
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
8 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PRN11. To have the skills to manage the life cycle of software, products and services of information technologies in accordance with the requirements and limitations of the customer, to be able to develop project documentation (technical and economic justification, specifications, business plan, agreement, agreement, contract).
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know: basic concepts of programming and principles of program development, types of data structures. 2. Be able to: apply knowledge of the basics of programming. 3. Possess elementary skills: dividing tasks into components, working with applications, programming.
Course content
The educational discipline "Information technologies in management" is a selective component of the educational and professional training program for specialists at the first (bachelor) level of higher education in the field of knowledge 12 "Information technologies" from the specialty 122 "Computer science", educational and professional program "Informatics". This discipline is an optional educational discipline under the "Informatics" program. It is taught in the 8th semester in the amount of 90 hours. (3 ECTS credits) in particular: lectures – 28 hours, consultations – 2 hours, independent work – 60 hours The course includes 1 test and 2 laboratory tests. The discipline ends with a credit in the 8th semester.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Osnovnі: 1. Batiuk A.Є. ta іn. Іnformatsіinі sistemi v menedzhmentі: Navch. posіbnik. - L-vіv: NU "L-vіvs-ka polіtekhnіka", 2004. 2. Gordієnko І.V. Іnformatsіinі sistemi і tekhnologії v menedzhmentі. - K.: KNEU, 2003. 3. Guzhva V.M. Іnformatsіinі sistemi і tekhnologії na pіdpriєmstvakh. - K.: KNEU, 2001. 4. Іnformatsіinі sistemi і tekhnologії v ekonomіtsі. / za red. V.S.Ponomarenka. - K.: VТs "Akademіia", 2002. 5. Praktika sostavleniia grafika proekta v MS Project. // Upravlenie proektami. – 2021. El. resurs. Rezhim dostupu: v-ms-project. 6. Gladkii A. Biznes-planirovanie i analiz investitsionnykh proektov na komp-iutere. El. resurs. Rezhim dostupu: ..
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, laboratory work, consultations, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
- semester assessment: 1. Control work: RN 1.1, RN 1.2, RN 1.3, RN 3.1, RN 4.2 — 40 points/24 points. 2. Independent laboratory work 1: RN 1.3, RN 2.1, RN 3.1, RN 3.2, RN 4.1, RN 4.2 — 15 points/9 points. 3. Independent laboratory work 2 (project): RN 1.3, RN 2.1, RN 3.1, RN 3.2, RN 4.1, RN 4.2 - 45 points/26 points. - final evaluation: credit.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline