Social Studies and Media Criticism

Course: Publishing and Media Editing

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism

Social Studies and Media Criticism
061 «Журналістика»
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1.1 Main trends in the development of university education in Ukraine and the world 1.2 Peculiarities of modern political systems, their structural elements; the main political processes in Ukrainian society and the state, peculiarities of international socio-political interactions, place and status of Ukraine in the modern world 1.3 The concept of culture and its multiple meanings. The main functions of culture. Basics of periodisation of culture 1.4 Functions and principles of journalism; journalism as a social institution; functions and principles of media criticism 2.1 To be able to apply the principles of journalism in their activities; to apply international standards of journalistic activity while performing their professional duties 2.2 To determine the distinctive features of Ukrainian culture in the intellectual and artistic spheres 3.1 Presentation of original media projects 4.1 Independent search and critically study of literature 4.2 Teamwork on a project.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
To know the main stages and characteristics of the historical and cultural process; to have basic factual knowledge of a humanitarian and social science nature. 2. To be able to collect and interpret information about the societal phenomena, social processes and events. 3. To possess elementary skills: • working with a computer as a means of managing information; • finding and processing information sources in global computer networks; • collecting, storing, using and distributing information.
Course content
The course introduces students to politics as a social phenomenon, theoretical knowledge and form of activity, evolution of political knowledge, essence and classification of political systems. It analyses power as a social phenomenon, the social legal state and civil society, the peculiarities of the functioning of public and political associations in the political system, and trends in modern world politics. Students obtain basic knowledge about the prerequisites of formation, genesis, main stages of development and peculiarities of foreign and Ukrainian culture; about the main forms of modern artistic-aesthetic and socio-cultural practices and new artistic and cultural phenomena; basic ideas about the main stages of development of world and Ukrainian art, modern scientific concepts, main artistic trends and figures that determined their development. It teaches critical thinking in conditions of constant changes in the information space; provides the ability to identify and solve problems in the field of journalism and media communication; to make informed decisions, develop and present media projects; critically evaluate and ensure their quality.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1.Vovk T. A. Stanovlennya zhurnalist·sʹkoyi osvity v Kyivsʹkomu natsionalʹnomu universyteti imeni T. Shevchenka. Viddilennya zhurnalistyky v dokumentakh i materialakh (1947 – 1953) / T. A. Vovk, V. V. Rizun. – K.: VPTS «Kyiv. universytet», 2011. – 223 s. 2. Kuzʹminsʹkyy A. I. Vstup do universytet·sʹkykh studiy: navch. posib. – Cherkasy, 2004. 3.Mykhaylyn I. L. Zhurnalist·sʹka osvita i nauka : pidruch. / I. L Mykhaylyn. – Sumy : Universytet·sʹka knyha, 2009. – 336 s. 4.Patrylyak I. K., Borovyk M. A., Lyapina O. V. Narysy z istoriyi Kyivsʹkoho universytetu: navch. posib. dlya studentiv ist. fakulʹtetu. – K., 2009. 5.Rizun V. Ideya zhurnalist·sʹkoyi osvity v konteksti dyskursu pro universytet. — Lutsʹk : RVV «Vezha» Volyn. nats. un-tu im. L.Ukrayinky, 2007. — 30 s. : il. (Elektronnyy resurs: 6.Siropolko S. Istoriya osvity v Ukrayini. – Lʹviv, 2001. 7.Sydorenko N.M., Latysh YU.V. Vstup do universytet·sʹkykh studiy. – K., 2020.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, seminar, independent work.
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is divided into 4 content modules (parts). Each content module includes lectures, seminar classes and independent work of students. At the end of the 1st and 2nd semesters, the student takes a credit. Knowledge assessment is carried out in the form of a semester assessment (seminars, independent work, modular works) and a final test if the student did not score the threshold – 60 points. Successful completion of assignments (seminars, independent work) means reaching a 60% threshold. All assignments (seminars, independent work) must be completed on time, sent to corporate mail or Google Classroom. The teacher is given one working week to check the assignments. If a student missed a seminar for a valid reason, he/she has the right to complete it within 14 calendar days since the seminar date.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Nataliia Stepanivna Zhelikhovska
Department of History of Journalism
Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism
Valentyna Petrivna Mykhaylyta
Department of History of Journalism
Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism
Yurii Volodymyrovych Latysh
Department of World Ukrainian History
Faculty of History
Vasyl Vasylovych Semykras
Department of Ukrainian Philosophy and Culture
Faculty of Philosophy
Viktor Vasylovych Teremko
Politology department
Faculty of Philosophy