Psychology of image making

Course: Psychology

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Psychology of image making
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
5 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO2. To understand patterns and tendencies of the development and functioning of mental phenomena in the professional tasks’ context. LO9. To propose own solutions of psychological problems in a professional context, to argue own point of view. LO17. To demonstrate socially responsible and conscious behavior, follow humanistic and democratic values in professional and social activities.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1) to know: the basic concepts of general and social psychology; 2) to be able to: search for the necessary information, analyze and critically evaluate it; formulate public requests and correlate them with own professional activities 3) to have: the skills of working with the scientific and reference apparatus of libraries; the main methods of collecting and interpreting the facts of social reality; establishing cause-and-effect relationships, basic skills of statistical analysis.
Course content
The aim of the discipline is to familiarize with the theoretical and methodological foundations of the theory and practice of forming the image of a person, organization, product. The discipline provides undergraduate students with systematized knowledge of the psychological foundations of image-making and the basic psychotechnologies of image-making as a field of psychologist's practical activity. The content of the discipline reveals the main mechanisms and patterns of appearance and change of images, introduces the main directions, forms and methods of work of a psychologist in this area, contributes to the integration of psychological knowledge already acquired by students. The course program reveals the features of the subject of image-making, its theoretical foundations and history of development, current areas of research and place in the system of related disciplines; mastering the basic methods of analysis, design and correction of images.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Bondarenko I. S. Imidzhelohiia u systemi humanitarnykh znan: kulturno-osvitni stratehii. – Zaporizhzhia: Zaporizkyi natsionalnyi universytet, 2016. – 320 s. 2. Butorina V. B. Imidzheolohiia i PR pidpryiemstv turystychnoi haluzi : navch.- metod. posib. - Kamianets Podilskyi : PP «Medobory-2006», 2015. - 112 s. 3. Kashpur A.A. Reputatsiia: monohrafiia. K.: Lohos, 2015. 70s. 4. Korniienko V. O., Antemiuk V. D., Buriachenko O. V. Imidzh ta reputatsiia politychnoi partii: aksiolohichni osnovy ta shliakhy optymizatsii : monohrafiia. Vinnytsia : VNTU, 2018. 236 s. 5. Shavkun I. H. Formuvannia imidzhu orhanizatsii : [navchalnyi posibnyk dlia zdobuvachiv stupenia vyshchoi osvity bakalavra spetsialnosti «Menedzhment»] / I.H. Shavkun, Ya.S. Dybchynska. - Zaporizhzhia : ZNU, 2016. - 111 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lecture, seminar, individual work, practical work, debate, essay
Assessment methods and criteria
Modular tests, analytical work, creative work, discussions, essays, oral report, addition. Form of final control: credit. The credit is given based on the results of the student's work during the semester and does not include additional assessment measures for students who have scored more than 60 points. Students who during the semester scored less than 60 points, but more than 40 points (critical-calculation minimum), pass the credit. Assessment is carried out in the form of oral questions on the topics of the course and the performance of a creative individual task, which are estimated at 20 points. Students who, during the semester, scored less than the critical-calculation minimum (40 points) are not allowed to take the credit. Passed - 60 – 100, Fail – 0 - 59
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Pavlo Dmytrovych Frolov
Department of Social Psychology
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Psychology
Faculty of Psychology