Teaching methods: a cycleof educational and professional training programs for humanities

Course: Pedagogy of Higher Education

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Teaching methods: a cycleof educational and professional training programs for humanities
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 5; PLO 7; PLO 8; PLO 10; PLO 11. The full list of Programme learning outcomes is given in the section " Programme Profile".
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
The student must know: the basics of pedagogy, the essence of its basic concepts, patterns, principles, methods; the specifics of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in educational institutions; the student must be able to: creatively use in teaching, research and teaching activities acquired knowledge and skills of the main regulators of the activities and behavior of the individual in the team.
Course content
The formation of students' professional and pedagogical competence of the teacher of higher education; acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for future professional activities related to the effective conduct of lectures, seminars, practical classes, successful communication and cooperation in the training of specialists in the humanities. The program of the discipline reveals the main categories of teaching methods in higher education, its principles, methods, technologies, theory and practice of formation of professional and pedagogical competence of the teacher. Exceptional attention is paid to the development of skills, abilities of students, which is possible in terms of practical activities, which is fundamental for this course. In it, the following are of decisive importance: reflection and independent work of students in the form of creating a critical essay, collage, conducting an interactive multimedia mini-lecture, developing a seminar, practical lesson.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Anotovanyy bibliohrafichnyy pokazhchyk pratsʹ naukovo-pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv kafedry pedahohiky Kyyivsʹkoho natsionalʹnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka (2013-2020 roky) / Ukl. A. A. Marushkevych, N. I. Holovko, S. P. Balashova. Kyyiv, 2020. 63 s. [in Ukrainian]. 2. Vymohy do osobystosti vykladacha vyshchoyi shkoly. URL: https://pidru4niki.com/70123/pedagogika/vimogi_osobistosti_vikladacha_vischogo_navchalnogo_zakladu [in Ukrainian]. 3. Koshechko N. V. Metodyka vykladannya u vyshchiy shkoli: Navch. posibnyk. Nizhyn, 2013. 115 s. [in Ukrainian]. 4. Koshechko N. V. Pryntsypy, metody ta tekhnolohiyi navchannya studentiv VNZ z pedahohichnoyi konfliktolohiyi: zahalʹno-teoretychni (S. KH. Chavdarov) ta suchasni empirychni aspekty. Nizhyn, 2018. S. 61-86. [in Ukrainian]. 5. Metodychni rekomendatsiyi do praktychnykh zanyatʹ treninhu «Suchasni osvitni tekhnolohiyi u vyshchiy shkoli» / Ukl.: YE. S. Spitsyn, N. V. Koshechko, M. V. Zhylenko. K.: 2020. 76 s. [in Ukrainian].
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, practical classes, independent work, practical tasks, surveys, preparation of presentations, analytical materials, reports, discussion of conflict situations, training exercises, discussion of solutions to business role-playing games, practical situations, defense of practical tasks
Assessment methods and criteria
Survey, analytical report, creative tasks, practical work, final test, evaluation of critical essays, exercises, collage, creative writing, interactive multimedia mini-lectures, professional development programs for future teachers The control is carried out over the credit-transfer accumulative system. Mandatory for admission to the exam is to perform a test. The student can earn a minimum of 36 / maximum 60 points per semester; the number of points taken for the exam - a minimum of 24 / maximum 40. Assessment of students is carried out during all types of classes and the results of independent work. The grade is formed as the sum of all points earned during the semester. The number of points: 0-59 "unsatisfactory"; 60-74 "satisfactory"; 75-89 "good"; 90-100 "excellent".
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Nataliia Vasylivna Koshechko
Department of Pedagogic
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Pedagogic
Faculty of Psychology