Educational practice

Course: Psychology

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Educational practice
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO9. To propose own solutions of psychological problems in a professional context, to argue own point of view. LO14. To demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills in the process of solving professional problems.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Students should: • Know the general basics of psychology; professional responsibilities in the position, workplace, which are offered by the base of practice. • Be able to monitor the process of professional work of a psychologist; apply elements of methods of psychological research to study psychological phenomena; adhere to the practical recommendations in the position, workplace, which are proposed for practice by the base of practice. • Have the ability to work in a team, to correlate theoretical knowledge with the real practical situation in the production environment.
Course content
The purpose of educational practice - to form an idea of the specifics of the work of a psychologist in a particular institution; provide experience in performing certain functions and tasks inherent in the future profession. The internship belongs to the list of obligatory disciplines of preparation of the applicant in psychology and is calculated on 6 credits (180 hours). The internship is conducted in the 3rd year of study in the 6th semester and is designed to form an idea of the essence of the work of a psychologist in real professional conditions. The results of the practice can be reflected in the course work. During the internship, theoretical knowledge is consolidated and factual material is obtained to perform psychological research.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Metodychni rekomendatsii z orhanizatsii ta provedennia na fakulteti psykholohii navchalno-vyrobnychoi praktyky dlia studentiv osvitnoho rivnia «Bakalavr» haluzi znan 0301 «Sotsialno-politychni nauky» napriamku pidhotovky 6.03010201 «Psykholohiia» spetsialnosti «Psykholohiia» : navchalno-metodychna rozrobka / Uklad. prof. Danyliuk I.V., prof.Burlachuk L.F., prof. Vlasova O. I., prof. Kovalenko A. B., dots. Yurchynska H.K., dots. Ivanenko B.Bdots. Zaviazkina N.V, dots. Maksymov M.V., as. Romanova Yu.V. / Za Ivanenko B.B. Kyiv : 2017. 55 s. [in Ukrainian] 2. Polishchuk S. Psykholohichni praktyky v systemi pidhotovky praktychnykh psykholohiv : navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk. Kyiv, 2018. 134 s. [in Ukrainian] 3. Posadova instruktsiia praktychnoho psykholoha Psykholohichna sluzhba shkoly. 2012. № 1. S. 65-71. [in Ukrainian] 4. Prykhodko Yu.O. Praktychna psykholohiia : vvedennia u profesiiu : navchalnyi posibnyk. Kyiv, 2010. 232 s. [in Ukrainian]
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Individual work
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment from the head of practice from the educational institution. Assessment from the head of practice from the institution of practice. Written report.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Bohdana Borysivna Ivanenko
Department of General Psychology
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of General Psychology
Faculty of Psychology