Landscape covers


Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Landscape covers
ОК 10
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1. Apply acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills for research natural- and socio-territorial systems at different levels spatial organization (PR01) 2. Conduct research natural and social geographical manifestations development of geosystems in complex and unforeseen circumstances, predict theirs development, analyze alternatives, evaluate risks and likely consequences (PR08) 3. Evaluate the possible risks, social economic and geoecological implementation consequences management decisions in sphere nature management, city and regional development, recreation and of tourism (PR11)
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Prerequisites for mastering or choosing an academic discipline: 1. Have knowledge of the basics of landscape science, geoecology and methods expert assessment of the environment. 2. Know the key provisions of the theory of geographic information systems and technologies and remote sensing of the Earth. 3. Be able to use GIS tools. 4. To have the skills of applying statistical and stochastic mathematics methods in geography.
Course content
Anotatsiya navchalʹnoyi dystsypliny: Navchalʹnu dystsyplinu prysvyacheno vyvchennyu: kontseptualʹnykh pidvalyn ta instrumentariyu spilʹnoyi dlya zahalʹnoyevropeysʹkykh i vitchyznyanykh pidkhodiv metodyky analizu miry antropizatsiyi landshaftnykh pokryviv; skhemy miry antropizatsiyi landshaftiv v zalezhnosti vid miry antropohennoho vplyvu na nykh landshaftnykh pokryviv, podanykh yak systemy zemlekorystuvannya ta/abo yoho naslidkiv; sposobiv zadavannya vplyvu landshaftnykh pokryviv cherez yikhni rivni hemerobnosti, heoekolohichnu pozytyvnistʹ / nehatyvnistʹ i rivni naturalʹnosti; parametryzovanoyi shkaly miry antropizatsiyi landshaftnykh pokryviv; heneralizovanoyi shkaly miry antropizatsiyi landshaftnykh pokryviv; sposobiv i rezulʹtativ realizatsiyi metodyky analizu miry antropizatsiyi landshaftnykh pokryviv z metoyu obgruntuvannya efektyvnykh pryrodookhoronnykh zakhodiv, spryamovanykh na rehulyuvannya antropohennoho navantazhennya na landshafty.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Самойленко В.М., Діброва І.О. Антропізація ландшафтів: підручник. – К.: Ніка-Центр, 2021. – 304 с. – Режим доступу: 2. Самойленко В.М., Діброва І.О., Пласкальний В.В. Антропізація ландшафтів: монографія. – К.: Ніка-Центр, 2018. – 232 с. – Режим доступу: pdf 3. Самойленко В.М., Діброва І.О. Природничо-географічне моделювання: підручник. – К.: Ніка-Центр, 2019. – 320 с. – Режим доступу: 4. Самойленко В.М., Іванок Д.В. Моделювання басейнових геосистем: монографія. – К.: ДП "Прінт Сервіс", 2015. – 208 с. – Режим доступу: 5. Samoilenko V., Plaskalnyi V. Modern procedure of landscape anthropization analysis //
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lecture, practical occupation, analytical work
Assessment methods and criteria
Test, implementation creative analytical works, exam
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Viktor Mykolaiovych Samoilenko
Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology
heohrafichnyi fakultet


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology
heohrafichnyi fakultet