Family and Family Policy

Course: Sociаl Technologies

Structural unit: Faculty of Sociology

Family and Family Policy
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
5 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1. Know the specifics of the sociological approach to the study of family. The essence, concept, signs of family as a social institution and social group. 2. To characterize the specifics of modern family, new forms of families, functions, main problems and trends in family changes in modern Ukrainian society; content, components, specifics of the state family policy in modern Ukrainian society, prospects for its development. Experience of family politics in Europe. 3. Analyze the effectiveness of social technologies in the field of family policy of the state, taking into account the socio-demographic characteristics of different social groups. 4. Carry out independent search and critical study, analysis and generalization of social information. 5. Based on the analysis of quantitative and qualitative sociological information, determine the main trends in the development of socio-political processes and effective social technologies in working with different social categories.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know the basic concepts that lay down general ideas about the social institution and social group, social status and social role, social interaction, social policy and other social phenomena.2. Be able to operate with the conceptual and categorical apparatus on the history and theory of sociology, philosophy, methods of collecting and analyzing sociological data, analyze social phenomena, draw reasonable conclusions and generalizations. 3. Possess rudimentary skills in independent search and critical processing of educational and scientific sources.
Course content
Sociology of family: object and subject. Family as a social institution and a small social institution Family structure. Forms and types of marriage and family relations. The life cycle of family. Family functions. Parents and children, intergenerational relationships in family. Sociological aspects of fatherhood and infancy. Stability and stability of family in modern society. Success of marriage and family relations. A modern family. New forms of families. Family in modern Ukrainian society. Functions. Dysfunction. The essence of the concept of "family policy". family policy in the crisis and modernization paradigm. Concept of state family policy. Principles and models of state family policy. Family policy as a component of social security of the state International experience in social support of families. Youth family policy in Ukraine and the World prospects for the development of state support in Ukraine. The impact of state family policy on socio-demographic processes.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Humeniuk L.I. Sotsiolohiia: Khrestomatiia (vid pershodzherel do suchasnosti). U 2-kh tomakh. – T.1. – Lviv, 2019. – 2. Sotsiolohiia simi: konspekt lektsii dlia studentiv spetsialnosti 054 «Sotsiolohiia» u 2-kh chastynakh. Ch. I. Simia yak sotsialnyi instytut / N.O. Liashenko, N.M. Semke. – Kh., 2018. 3. Derzhavna molodizhna polityka v Ukraini. Priorytety derzhavnoi polityky u molodizhnii sferi do 2020 roku. Derzhavna tsilova sotsialna prohrama «Molod Ukrainy» na 2016-2020 rr. 4. Stynska V. Sotsialno-pedahohichna pidtrymka materynstva y dytynstva v nezalezhnii Ukraini /Teoretychni ta metodychni aspekty sotsialnoi diialnosti: monohrafiia. Khmelnytskyi, 2020. T.3. S. 239-279 5. Sociology, 9th Edition Anthony Giddens, Philip W. Sutton
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, practice session, individual work
Assessment methods and criteria
oral answer 9.9/16.5 points LR(C)1.1; LR(C)1.2; LR(C)1.3; LR(C)1.4; LR(C)1.5; LR(C)2.1; LR(C)2.2; LR(C)2.3; LR(C)2.4; LR(C)2.5; LR(C)3.1; LR(C)3.2; LR(C)4.1; LR(C)4.2; LR(C)4.3 analytical task 2.4/4 points LR(C)1.1; LR(C)1.2; LR(C)1.3; LR(C)1.4; LR(C)1.5; LR(C)2.1; LR(C)2.4; LR(C)2.5; LR(C)3.1; LR(C)4.2; LR(C)4.3; independent work 6,6/11 points LR(C)1.1; LR(C)1.2; LR(C)2.1; LR(C)4.2; LR(C)4.3; debate game 1.5/2.5 points LR(C)2.1; LR(C)2.3; LR(C)2.4; LR(C)3.1; LR(C)3.2; LR(C)4.1; LR(C)4.2; LR(C)4.3; presentation of 3,6/6 points LR(C)1.1; LR(C)1.3; LR(C)1.4; LR(C)1.5; LR(C)2.1; LR(C)2.2; LR(C)2.3; LR(C)3.1; LR(C)4.1; LR(C)4.2; LR(C)4.3; test work 12/20 points LR(C)1.1; LR(C)1.2; LR(C)1.3; LR(C)1.4; LR(C)1.5; LR(C)2.1; LR(C)2.2; LR(C)2.3; LR(C)2.4; LR(C)2.5; LR(C)4.2; LR(C)4.3. final assessment – exam: LR 1.2, 2.2, 2,5
Language of instruction


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