Basics of Social Communications
Course: Sociological support for management processes
Structural unit: Faculty of Sociology
Basics of Social Communications
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Know: The main principles of sociological theories of social communication and theories directly related to communication processes
The specifics of these theories, features of the conceptual and methodological apparatus, their main representatives
Be able to: Apply theoretical knowledge in the practice of research of social communication processes
Use the possibilities of different theoretical approaches in the study and analysis of communication practices
Carry out independent analytical, research and exploration activities
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know the main stages of development of sociology, key areas of modern sociological theory.
2. Be able to work with scientific literature and primary sources
3. Possess the conceptual framework of modern sociological theory
Course content
Fundamentals of the theory of social communication: ontological and epistemological aspects
Models of communicative activity
Functional analysis of social communication
Semiotic bases of social communication:
Communicative personality
Sociological theories of mass communication: a study of the effects of communication
Intercultural communication
New media as an object of theorizing and research
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Іванов В. Основні теорії масової комунікації і журналістики: навч. посібник/за ред. В. В. Ризуна / Валерій Іванов. — К. : Центр вільної преси, 2010.
Квіт С. Масові комунікації. – Електронна бібліотека. – Журналістика : [Електронний ресурс].
Костенко Н.В. Масова комунікація. / Соціологія під. Ред., С. Макеєва.
Маклюэн М. Понимание медиа. Внешние расширения человека. – М., 2018.
Мак-Квейл Д. Теорія масової комунікації. - Львів 2010.
Медіа. Демократія. Культура / За ред. Н.Костенко, А.Ручки.- К. : Ін-т соціології НАНУ, 2008.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, practical classes, student's self-study
Assessment methods and criteria
- semester assessment:
1. active work at seminars and practical classes: 56 points / 28 points
2. performance of control works: 44/32 points (2 works on 22 maximum or 16 minimum points for each)
- final assessment: Pass-exam
Language of instruction
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