Sociological theories of the city and urbanization
Course: Sociological support for management processes
Structural unit: Faculty of Sociology
Sociological theories of the city and urbanization
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1) basic conceptual and categorical hardware of general sociological theory and industry areas that describe the processes and structure of cities;
2) characteristics of international indicators on standards of development of urban processes;
3) regularity of development, internal structure of the modern city, and also the basic sociological and interdisciplinary models of development of urban space;
Be able:
1) to predict the development trends of modern cities in the conditions of accelerated changes and challenges of today;
2) Create models of stable functioning of elements of urban space.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know the basic methods of analysis of sociological information.
2. Know the theoretical foundations of classical sociological theories.
3. Be able to work with scientific literature and primary sources.
Course content
1. The genesis of the formation of ideas about urbanization processes and the city as a social phenomenon in sociology.
1.1 The city and urbanization through the prism of research on the production and economic approach of the classics of sociological thought.
1.2 Modern models and approaches to the study of the city in sociology and related fields of knowledge.
2. Current aspects of the study of the structure of the urban environment in modern sociological theories.
2.1 Dimensions of the social space of the city.
2.2 Subjects of urban space, their roles and functions.
2.3 Dynamic processes of urban life.
3. Cities of the 21st century: research experience and opportunities for transformation.
3.1 International indicators on standards for the development of urban processes.
3.2 Sociological approach to the construction and design of cities.
3.3 The city in the latest conditions of social transformations and challenges: approaches to understanding.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Малес Л. В. Декомунізація столиці: зміни в урбанонімії (методи, перші результати) // Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. - 2016. - Вип. 36.
Мороз Є.О. Методичні та концептуальні аспекти викладання дисципліни «Соціологічні теорії міста та урбанізації» // Актуальні проблеми соціології, психології, педагогіки. – 2018. - №2 (37).
Парк Р. Город как социальная лаборатория. –
Соціологія міста: навчальний посібник /за заг. ред. О. К. Міхеєвої. – Донецьк: вид-во «Ноулідж», 2010. – с.13-35, с.47-53, с.93-126, с.149-163, с.261-286.
Урбаністика: сучасне місто. Онлайн курс на платформі Prometheus –
Урбаністична Україна: в епіцентрі просторових змін: монографія. – Київ. 2017. – с.181-261.
Blair A. Ruble The Muse of Urban Delirium: The Arts and Social Change in Transformational Cities // Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг. – 2018, с.136-151.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
test, practical tasks
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Individual and group work on practical classes - maximum 40 / minimum 24 points;
2. test tasks - maximum 20 / minimum 12 points.
Final assessment: exam
Language of instruction
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