
Course: Tourism

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
4 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PR10. Understand the principles, processes and technologies organization of work of a tourist business entity and its individual subsystems (administrative managerial, socio-psychological, economic, technical and technological). PR14. Show respect for individual and cultural diversity. PR16. Act in accordance with the principles social responsibility and civic consciousness PR22. Professionally perform tasks in uncertain and extreme situations. PR 24. Use existing knowledge in new ones uncertain situations PR 27. Apply the acquired knowledge and skills in everyday practice
Form of study
External form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know the main directions, methods, main tasks of psychological science; mental functions, mental processes, mental states, mental properties; spheres professional activity, production functions, typical tasks, professional and ethical principles of psychologist activity; features of mental development at different stages ontogenesis. 2. To be able to analyze the essence of mental processes depending on the factors that they are affected; to navigate in the variety of theories of psychology as a scientific one disciplines; develop the design of experiments and empirical studies with problems of mental development in ontogenesis. 3. To have methods of reflection.
Course content
The discipline "Psychology" belongs to the list of elective disciplines and provides general theoretical training of bachelors in the field of psychology as a science, which will serve as a support for their further professional activities. The program includes theoretical problems of psychology as a science, the foundations of human mental activity, the issue of formation and development of higher mental functions, and also provides practical mastery of primary diagnosis skills. Special attention devoted to the formation of professional self-determination and acquisition by students professional identity.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Бурлачук Л.Ф., Морозов С.М. Словарь - справочник по психологической диагностике.- К., 1989. 2. Вікова та педагогічна психологія: навч. посібн. / О. В. Скрипченко, Л.В. Долинська, З. В. Огороднійчук та ін. К. : Каравела, 2008. 399 с. 3. М'ясоїд П.А. Загальна психологія: Навч. посібник.- К., 2001. 4. Основи психології: Підручник/ За заг. ред О.В. Киричука, В.А. Роменця.- К.,1996. 5. Психологічний словник/ За ред. В.І. Войтка.- К.,1982. 6. Психологія: підручник / Ю. Л. Трофімов, В. В. Рибалка, П. А. Гончарук та ін.; за ред. Ю. Л. Трофімова. 5-тє вид., стереотип. К.: Либідь, 2016. 560 с. 7. Роменець В.А., Маноха І.П. Історія психології XX століття: Навч. посібник.- К., 2003. 8. Рубинштейн С.Л. ОсновьІ общей психологии: В 2х т.- М.,1989. 9. Сергєєнкова О. П., Столярчук О. А., Коханова О. П., Пасєка О. В. Загальна психологія: навч. посіб. Київ: Центр учбової літератури, 2012. 296 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, practical, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment is carried out throughout the semester of all types of work. The maximum number of points for work during the semester is 100. Credit is given based on the results of the student's work during the semester (maximum the number of points for work during the semester is equal to 100) and does not provide additional points assessment measures for successful students. Students who scored less than 60 points in total during the semester, but more than the critical calculation minimum - 40 points, make up the credit. The calculation is carried out in the form of an oral survey on the subject of the course, which is estimated at 40 points. Students who, during the semester, scored a total of fewer points than the critical the calculated minimum - 40 points are not allowed before taking the test.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Yaroslav Yevhenovych Riabchych
Department of Developmental Psychology
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Developmental Psychology
Faculty of Psychology