
Course: ECOLOGY (Master) FULL-TIME

Structural unit: Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center

Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PR05 Demonstrate the ability to organize collective activities and implement complex nature protection projects, taking into account available resources and time constraints PR08 Be able to clearly and unambiguously convey professional knowledge, own justifications and conclusions to specialists and the general public PR11 Be able to use modern information resources on issues of ecology, nature use and environmental protection. PR14 Apply new approaches to developing a decision-making strategy in complex, unpredictable conditions. PR20 To have the basics of environmental research and ecological expert assessment of the impact on the environment. PR23 Choose a strategy of the company's activity with minimization of the negative impact on the environment
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. The course is designed for students studying under the master's program who have mastered the theoretical basis of the basics of ecology, botany, meteorology and climatology, and environmental economics. 2. It is necessary to have elementary skills, working with educational and scientific literature and a personal computer.
Course content
The "Agroecology" course is aimed at deepening and improving students' theoretical knowledge and practical abilities and skills in independently solving tasks related to the methods of ecologically safe agricultural production, approaches to greening the agricultural sector, familiarization with the means of reproducing the productivity of modern agricultural landscapes and ensuring production environmentally safe products. The discipline "Agroecology" is an optional educational discipline of the master's training program in the specialty 101 "Ecology". The study of this discipline allows for an in-depth understanding of the main properties, structure and functioning of agroecosystems as artificial ecosystems; detection of adaptation of living organisms of agroecosystems to environmental factors, including anthropogenic ones; acquaintance with the basics of rational use, optimization and protection of agricultural landscapes.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Агроекологія: навч. посіб. / за ред. проф. О. В. Солошенка, А. М. Фесенко. – Харків : ХНТУСГ, 2013. - 290 с. 2. Бабець І. Г. Сталий розвиток і безпека регіону [Текст] :навч. посіб. / І. Г. Бабець. - Львів : ЛДУВС, 2015. - 267 с. 3. Боярин М. В., Нетробчук І. М. Основи гідроекології: теорія й практика : навчальний посіб. / М. В. Боярин, І. М. Нетробчук. – Луцьк : Вежа-Друк, 2016. – 365 с. 4. Гончаренко Н. В. Екологічний аудит : навч. посіб. – Київ : Освіта України, 2014. - 491 с. 5. Екологічна безпека / [Шмандій В.М., Клименко М.О., Голік Ю.С., Прищепа А.М. та інші].: Підручник. – Херсон : Олді-плюс, 2013. - 364 с. 6. Екологічна безпека територій та акваторій [Текст] : навчальний посібник. / Сівак В. К., Солодкий В. Д., Ющенко Ю. С. та ін. – Чернівці : Рута, 2014. - 247 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, Practical classes, Individual work
Assessment methods and criteria
- semester evaluation forms: 1. Modular control work 1: RN 1.1.- 1.3, 4.1. – 20/10 points 2. Modular control work 2: RN 1.1.- 1.3, 4.1. – 20/10 points 3. Express survey: RN 1.1. – 1.3, 4.1 – 5/2.5 points; 4. Practical task: RN 2.1-3.2 – 10/5 points; 5. Report, participation in the discussion: RN 1.1. - 4.1. – 5/2.5 points; - final assessment: in the form of an exam
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Olga Petrivna Olkhovych
Department of Plant Biology
Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Plant Biology
Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center