Selected sections of labor law and the basics of entrepreneurial activity


Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Selected sections of labor law and the basics of entrepreneurial activity
ОК 23
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PRN 6. Identify and explain the principles and methods of organization economic activity of a person, in particular in the context of its influence on environment and nature conservation areas PRN 10. Analyze the composition and structure of natural and natural anthropogenic geographical objects and systems (according to specialization) at different spatio-temporal levels PRN 12. Apply the skills of productive communication with consumers of ecosystem services, in particular for the purpose of adjustment participatory management of environmental protection activities PRN 15. Demonstrate professional tolerance for detection alternative principles PRN 17. Manage your studies for the purpose of self-realization in professional activity
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Educational discipline "Selected sections of labor law and the basics of entrepreneurship activity" is based on the knowledge gained by students during the study of normative economic, social and humanitarian disciplines of relevant fields of knowledge and relies on knowledge gained from high school in subjects such as Fundamentals of Law.
Course content
1. Basics of entrepreneurial activity. The economic nature is revealed entrepreneurship, its content, functions, types and organizational and legal forms, social, ethical and cultural principles of conducting modern business activities, peculiarities are revealed external business environment, planning features are investigated entrepreneurial activity and the importance of innovative entrepreneurship.The peculiarities of the technology of creating one's own, state business are revealed regulation of entrepreneurship, main directions of formation of entrepreneurial capital and financial management and taxation of business activity is considered necessity and importance of commercialization of scientific developments. Existing ones are considered problems and risks of solving the tasks of ensuring effective business activity,the economic security of entrepreneurship is analyzed. 2. Selected sections of labor law. The constitutional principles of implementation are disclosed rights to work and its main forms. Students study legal norms that regulate the procedure for concluding, changing and terminating an employment contract as the main form of implementation right to work The legal principles of establishing and regulating basic conditions are studied work: working time and rest time; rationing and payment of labor; labor protection,labor discipline. The grounds and procedure for bringing an employee to legal proceedings are disclosed responsibility for failure to perform or improper performance of one's work duties (disciplinary responsibility, material responsibility). Legal foundations are studied protection of labor rights in Ukraine.Educational discipline "Selected sections of labor law and the basics of entrepreneurship activity" is a mandatory discipline that ensures obtaining general competencies of graduates of Taras Kyiv National University Shevchenko, including specialty 106-"Geography".
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Базилевич В.Д. Економічна теорія: Політекономія : підручник / за ред.. В.Д. Базилевича. - К.: Знання, 2012. 702 с. 2. Базилевич В.Д. Економічна теорія: Політекономія : практикум / за ред.. В.Д. Базилевича. - К.: Знання, 2010. - 494 с. 3. Варналій З.С. Основи підприємництва: Навч. посіб. – 3тє вид., випр. і доп. – К.: Знання-Прес, 2006. – 350 с. 4. Зянько В.В. Інноваційне підприємництво: сутність, механізми і форми розвитку: монографія / Вінницький національний технічний ун-т. – Вінниця: УНІВЕРСУМ-Вінниця, 2008. – 397 c. 5. Комерціалізація результатів наукових досліджень: проблеми, підходи, інструменти, напрями розвитку / Т.К. Куранда, В.М. Євтушенко. – К.: УкрІНТЕІ, 2010. – 72 с. 6. Мазур І.І. Комерціалізація наукових розробок як фактор конкурентного розвитку підприємництва // Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. - No 148. – Київ, 2013. – С. 5-8. 7. Сизоненко В.О. Сучасне підприємництво: Довідник. – К.: Знання-Прес, 2007. – 440 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lectures,seminary occupation,independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
survey in test and in writing;implementation seminar and independent tasks, assessment
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Olha Kuchma

Education and Research Law School


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Education and Research Law School