Select Articles of the Labor Law and Entrepreneurship Fundamentals

Course: Translation from Spanish and English

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Select Articles of the Labor Law and Entrepreneurship Fundamentals
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
7 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 2. Process information effectively: collect relevant information from a variety of sources, including professional literature and electronic databases, critically analyse and interpret it, organize, classify and systematize it. PLO 3. Organize self-learning and self-education process. PLO 4. Understand the fundamental principles of human, nature and society genesis. PLO 5. Collaborate with colleagues, representatives of other cultures and religions, proponents of different political views, etc. PLO 6. Use information and communication technologies to solve complex specialized tasks and issues of professional activity.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Know: - possess knowledge, skills and abilities in the disciplines of the social and humanitarian cycle, such as Introduction to University Studies, etc. - basic categories and concepts related to human and social life. be able to: - identify, analyse educational and scientific information, draw reasonable conclusions on issues of professional activity. have basic skills: - compiling written documents, correcting their content, systematising the materials necessary for work, effectively organising their own learning activities.
Course content
The constitutional principles of the right to labour and its main forms are revealed. The legal norms regulating the procedure for concluding, amending and terminating an employment contract as the main form of exercising the right to work are studied. The legal basis for the establishment and regulation of basic working conditions: working time and rest time; labour standards and remuneration; labour protection, labour discipline are outlined. The grounds and procedure for bringing an employee to legal liability for non-performance or improper performance of his/her labour duties are revealed. The legal basis for the protection of labour rights in Ukraine is analysed. The discipline forms students' economic, institutional and organisational foundations of entrepreneurial activity and aims to provide students with knowledge and initial practical skills about the economic nature of entrepreneurship, its forms and planning; innovative entrepreneurship; technologies for starting a business; state regulation of entrepreneurship; commercialisation of scientific developments.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Вахонєва Т.М. Основи охорони праці в Україні: навч. посіб. Київ: ВД «Дакор». 2019. 2. Венедіктов С.В. Трудове право України: підручник. Київ: «Видавництво Людмила». 2021. 3. Щербина В.І., Соцький А.М. Трудове право України: підручник. Чернівці: Технодрук. 2021. 4. Конституція України, затверджена Верховною Радою України від 28.06. 1996 № 254к/96. URL: 5. Підприємництво: навч. посіб. / за заг. ред. д.е.н., проф. Г.І. Купалової. – К.: Компринт, 2020. – 400 с. 6. Черноус С.М., Тищенко О.В., Мельничук Н.О., Сіроха Д.І. Вибрані розділи трудового права: у схемах і таблицях: навчальний посібник. Київ: «Видавництво Людмила». 2022. 260с. A complete list of recommended references is available in the Program of the discipline.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, consultations, individual work
Assessment methods and criteria
Part "Selected Sections of Labour Law" Semester assessment of such types of work as oral questioning (participation in discussions), solving situational problems, module tests is carried out during seminars, which are held according to the schedule online or offline. Part "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship". Semester assessment of such types of work as individual presentations, additions, blitz quizes, discussion of problematic issues, participation in discussions, individual tasks (fixed presentations and defence of presentations, writing essays, creative works, etc.), performance of control works is carried out during seminars that take place according to the schedule online or offline. The student receives a credit based on the results of the semester's academic work if he or she receives at least 30 points for each block of the discipline "Selected Sections of Labour Law and Fundamentals of Business".
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Department of environmental management and entrepreneurship
Faculty of Economics
Svitlana Chernous

Education and Research Law School


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of environmental management and entrepreneurship
Faculty of Economics
Education and Research Law School