Admission to university studies

Course: Politology

Structural unit: Faculty of Philosophy

Admission to university studies
ОК 14
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1. To understand the subject area, ethical and legal principles of professional activity 6. To know their rights and responsibilities as a member of a democratic society and use them in their professional activities
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Before starting the study of the discipline, students must have knowledge in the scope of general high school. To be able to, based on knowledge about the history of the formation and development of higher education in Europe and Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University compare the achievements of different countries in the field of higher education and analyze existing problems in this field, based on knowledge of the legislation of Ukraine on higher education apply its provisions and norms in practice. Possess elementary skills of analytical and comparative scientific research, critical thinking in relation to higher education systems of Ukraine and of foreign countries, the use of appropriate foreign-language professional informative sources
Course content
Students learn about the main historical stages of the development of higher education in Europe and Ukraine, the history of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the Faculty of Philosophy of the University, the legislation of Ukraine on higher education, the formation and development of political science as a science and educational discipline in Ukraine
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Ideya Universytetu: Antolohiya / za red. M.Zubrytsʹkoyi. – Lʹviv: Litopys, 2002. Istoriya Kyyivsʹkoho universytetu: monohrafiya. U 2 t. – K., 2019. Konversʹkyy A. YE. Filosofsʹka dumka u Kyyivsʹkomu universyteti: istoriya i suchasnistʹ / A.YE.Konversʹkyy, I.V.Bychko, I.V.Ohorodnyk; za red. A.YE.Konversʹkoho. K. : Tsentr navchalʹnoyi literatury, 2005. 336 s. Filosofsʹkyy fakulʹtet (dokumenty ta materialy) / za red. A.YE.Konversʹkoho. K. : Tsentr navchalʹnoyi literatury, 2004. 319 s. Shlyakhtun P., Malkina H. Kyyivsʹkyy natsionalʹnyy universytet imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Politychna nauka v Ukrayini. 1991-2016. U 2-kh t. T. 1. Politychna nauka: zakhidni trendy rozvytku y ukrayinsʹka spetsyfika / red. kol. O. Rafalʹsʹkyy, M. Karmazina, O. Mayboroda. K. : Parlament·sʹke vydavnytstvo, 2016. S.438-451. Показати менше
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
Essay, synopsis of primary sources, final control paper The assessment is subject to the presentation of independent research, control work The criteria for evaluating independent work are the presence of an independent, scientifically based comment (with reference to the main and additional literature for the course), the formulation of an opinion using professional terminology and compliance with the terms set aside for the performance of independent work. The criteria for evaluating the control work are the amount of knowledge of the educational material, the degree of argumentation and the depth of disclosure of the content of the assigned task
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Petro Panasovych Shliakhtun
Department of Political Sciences
Faculty of Philosophy
Halyna Heorhiivna Kotsur
Department of Archival Studies and Special Fields of Historical Science
Faculty of History