CS «Language of commercial advertising». Part 1. Linguistic and cultural concepts in advertising

Course: "Ukranian and English language. Translation and Editing"

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

CS «Language of commercial advertising». Part 1. Linguistic and cultural concepts in advertising
ВБ 2.6
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 15. Perform linguistic, literary and translation analysis of texts of different styles and genres. PLO 17. Collect, analyse, systematize and interpret language and speech facts and use them to solve complex problems and tasks in specialized fields of professional activity and / or training.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Successful completion of the following courses: "Ethnolinguistics", "Psycholinguistics" and "Sociolinguistics". Knowledge of the basic characteristics of national culture, basic factual knowledge of a humanitarian nature. The ability to collect and interpret information about cultural phenomena and phenomena; distinguish distinctive and universal (cross-cultural) features of national culture, apply basic concepts in the analysis of cultural phenomena and processes; use interactive and multimedia tools. Possession of basic skills of working with cultural texts.
Course content
The purpose of the discipline is to deepen knowledge of culturally conditioned concepts verbalized in advertising texts; learn to recognize such concepts and operate with them at different levels and in different genre forms. In the course, special attention is paid to the concept of the linguistic and cultural concept as a conditional mental unit aimed at the comprehensive study of language, consciousness and culture: the linguistic and cultural concept belongs to the collective or individual consciousness, is determined by culture and materialized in language. Translation is an effective tool for the verbalization of linguistic and cultural concepts, their adaptation and reinterpretation by speakers of another linguistic consciousness. Thus, the aim of the course is to master the mechanisms of formation and transmission of linguistic and cultural concepts, which enables the creation / editing / translation of advertising texts.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1) Арешенкова О. Комунікативно-прагматичні та стилістичні параметри рекламного тексту : [монографія] / О. Арешенкова. Кривий Ріг: ФОП Маринченко С.В., 2018.176 с. 2) Богомолець-Бараш О. М. «Єврослова» в мовній картині світу українця ХХІ століття (за матеріалами асоціативного експерименту). Мовні і концептуальні картини світу. К., 2019. Вип. 2 (66). С. 17–25. 3) Воронько-Невіднича Т.В., Калюжна Ю.П., Хурдей В.Д. Реклама і рекламна діяльність: навч. посібник. Полтава. РВВ ПДАА. 2018 . 230 с. 4) Кононенко В.І. Українська лінгвокультурологія. Київ, 2008. 5) Лінгвістика. Лінгвокультурологія : зб. наук. пр. : Іншомовний дискурс : складники, проблеми та навчання : наукова монографія / за заг. ред Панченко О. І. Шепеля Ю. О. Дніпропетровськ : Акцент ПП, 2016. Т. 9. 143 с. 6) Радзієвська Т. В. Нариси з концептуального аналізу та лінгвістики тексту. Текст – соціум – культура – мовна особистість : моногр. ; Ін-т мовознавства ім. О. О. Потебні НАН України. К., 2010. 491 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Verbal, visual and practical teaching methods: lecture, practical lesson, independent work. Activities: Answering the practical, addition, participation in the discussion, blitz survey, presentation, final control task, exam.
Assessment methods and criteria
The final control form is an exam. According to the types of works, a student can score the following number of points: oral answer - from 1 to 3 addition - from 1 to 2 participation in the discussion - from 1 to 2 blitz survey - from 3 to 5 presentation - from 5 to 10 modular test - from 5 to 10 Exam - from 24 to 40 points
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Bohomolets-Barash
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology