Anthropology of dance

Course: Cultural anthropology with professional study of foreign language

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Anthropology of dance
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 1. Understand the specifics and features of the implementation of cultural ideas, images and meanings, as well as critically evaluate the possibilities of their interpretation for solving socially significant problems. PLO 2. Analyze textual and visual sources of information on cultural phenomena and processes, verify information in accordance with professional tasks. PLO 14. To develop educational and methodological support and to teach educational disciplines in cultural studies in educational institutions. PLO 16.1. Able to apply the methodology of intertextuality and modern reconstructive techniques both in the field of cultural anthropology and in an interdisciplinary aspect. PLO 17.1. Knowledge of anthropological and cognitive aspects of the study of modern city culture, subcultures, ethnocultural origins and structural models in Internet verbal and multimedia culture.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
The basis for the successful study of this academic discipline by master's students is the theoretical course "History of folk dance" and the practical one - "Choreography" that they mastered in the bachelor's degree, which were supposed to form the following competencies: To know the theoretical foundations of choreology and oral folk art, in particular the genesis of folklore genres that have a dance component in their syncretic nature. To be able to collect and interpret information about phenomena and phenomena of culture, in particular, world and domestic choreographic art. Possess elementary skills of scientific research and information management; use of foreign language professional informative sources; have their own archives of field expeditions and experience in recording samples of folklore, in particular folk dance.
Course content
The goal of the discipline is to reveal modern scientific approaches, to master concepts, methods and techniques, thanks to which the development of choreographic art, the phenomenon of dance creativity, is investigated in historical logic. Abstract. The discipline "Anthropology of dance" belongs to the list of elective disciplines (elective block 1. "Comparative cultural anthropology") and is taught in the third semester of the master's degree - in accordance with the curriculum of the educational program "Cultural anthropology with professional study of a foreign language". The educational discipline is aimed at mastering the theoretical foundations of choreographic art in a broad cultural context. In particular, the result of the process of studying the discipline should be the mastery of comparative methods of researching the phenomenon of dance for the assimilation and further implementation of theoretical foundations and practical skills in the fields of cultural anthropology and choreology by future culturologists; implementation of ethnochoreological examinations of the dance product, search and implementation of all possible forms of preservation of unique authentic dance samples.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Boas F. Hranytsы sravnytelnoho metoda v antropolohyy / Boas Frants; perevod Yu. S. Terenteva // Antolohyia yssledovanyi kulturы. SPb., 1997. T.1. S.509-518. 2. Kozynko L. Teoriia folklornoho tantsiu v konteksti kulturnoi antropolohii. / Kurbasivski chytannia: Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho tsentru teatralnoho mystetstva im. L. Kurbasa. K., 2011.№ 6. Ch. 1. S. 80-87. 3. Leshchynska S. Verbalnyi komponent tantsiu v ukrainskii ta polskii kulturnykh tradytsiiakh. Literatura. Folklor. Problemy poetyky. Zbirnyk 47–48. Kyiv: VPTs „Kyivskyi universytet”, 2020. S. 60-72.4. Leshchynska S. Pytannia funktsionalnosti ta vykonavstva ukrainskykh i polskykh tantsiuvalnykh pisen. // Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe : Red. tomu I. Gushpit i A. Matusiak. Vrotslav, 2015. T. I. S. 165-177. 6. Chepalov O. I. Khoreolohichni zasady doslidzhennia tantsiu (za metodykoiu Labanivskoho tsentru) /O. I. Chepalov // Kultura Ukrainy : Zb. nauk. prats KhDAK. Kharkiv, 2005. Vyp. 15.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The course includes 2 content parts. The first part of the course is devoted to the consideration of topics from the history and general theory of choreographic art, mastering dance morphology, terminology, features of the conceptual and categorical apparatus, the essence of fixation methods and the study of kinetic text and its units. The second part of the course is focused on comparative ethnochoreology, in particular on highlighting the paradigm of the Ukrainian musical and choreographic cultural tradition in comparison and comparison with foreign ones, as well as mastering methods of recording (transcription) and examination of folk dance. Classes are held in the form of lectures using verbal, explanatory and illustrative and explanatory and demonstrative methods; seminars, practical works, discussions using research, problem-situational, reproductive, partial-research and comparative methods, as well as an interactive teaching method.
Assessment methods and criteria
All learning outcomes are assessed at lectures and seminars throughout the semester. Assessment is based on such types and forms of control as oral response, additions, participation in discussions and discussions, presentation, written work. Intermediate control takes place in the form of a written modular control work. The discipline ends with a test. The semester number of points is formed by the points received by the student in the process of learning the material from the entire educational course. The overall grade for the semester consists of points obtained from the results of classroom work, modular test work and credit. It is formed in total: the maximum for the semester is 80 points, the minimum is 48; credit work maximum - 20 points, minimum - 12.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline