Psychology of High School

Course: Political science

Structural unit: Faculty of Philosophy

Psychology of High School
ОК 2
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
2. To apply specialized conceptual knowledge of political science, which includes modern scientific achievements in the field of professional activity or field of knowledge and is the basis for original thinking and conducting research, critical understanding of problems in the field and on the border of fields of knowledge. 3. To communicate freely orally and in writing in Ukrainian and English when discussing professional issues, research and innovations in the field of political science. 7. To manage complex activities in the field of politics, political science and in wider contexts, develop plans and measures for their implementation, ensure the quality of education, evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of activities.
Form of study
Distance form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Students should know traditions, theories, concepts, methodologies, approaches to study of individuals and groups existing in the system of philosophical thought; categories of philosophy, general, social psychology, ontogenetic regularities of formation of mental properties, states and processes, processes of formation and development of personality and social communities. 2. To think abstractly, analyze, synthesize scientific material, search for and process it using intellectual practices, investigate and explain life phenomena using philosophical and general scientific methods. 3. Possess elementary skills of cultural reflection and understanding of the basics of existence, cognition and human activity; implementation of intellectual search; the use of modern information and technical means to solve the tasks of professional activity; intellectual communication, linguistic and textological ability; generation of new ideas, evaluation of results and quality of professional activity.
Course content
The discipline "Psychology of the higher school" is aimed at the special training of specialists in matters of educational and professional socialization of students, development of their personality and scientific and pedagogical activity of the teacher. The discipline allows you to practically develop the ability to organize educational work in a higher education institution. The content of the discipline reveals the psychological regularities, factors, and effects of the educational and professional socialization of an individual who acquires a higher education in the specialty "political science". The course program reveals the innovative experience of applying the scientific work of psychologists-predecessors in the practice of working with psychological phenomena, generated by the training of personality in a higher education institution.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Vlasova O. I., Semychenko V. A., Pashchenko S. Yu., Nevidoma Ya. H.Psykholohiia vyshchoi shkoly / za red. O. I. Vlasovoi : pidruchnyk. Kyiv: VPTs "Kyivskyi universytet", 2014. 470s. 2. Dutkevych T.V., Maksymchuk N.P.Psykholohiia vyshchoi shkoly (kurs lektsii): Navchalnyi posibnyk. Kamianets-Podilskyi, 2011. 228 s. 3. Mashchenko N. I. Osnovy pedahohiky i psykholohii vyshchoi shkoly: Kurs lektsii. Kremenchuk, 2006. 272 s. 4. Podoliak L.H., Yurchenko V.I. Psykholohiia vyshchoi shkoly: navch. posib. dlia mahistrantiv i aspirantiv. Kyiv: TOV «Fil-studiia», 2013. 316 s. 5. Sliepkan Z.I. Naukovi zasady pedahohichnoho protsesu u vyshchii shkoli. Kyiv: Vyshcha shkola, 2005. 240 s. 6. Franchuk T.I. Tsilisnyi osvitnii prostir: osnovy formuvannia Kamianets-Podilskyi: Red.vyd, 2009. 244 s. 7. Chernilevskyi D.V., Tomchuk M.I. Pedahohika ta psykholohiia vyshchoi shkoly: Navch. posibnyk. Vinnytsia: Vinnytskyi sotsialno-ekonomichnyi in-t un-tu «Ukraina», 2006. 402 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral report, additions and participation in discussions at seminars: 21/35 points Test tasks: 12 / 20 points Psychodiagnostic workshop: 12 / 20 points Essay writing: 3 / 5 points Final test: 12/20 points
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline