Ecology Fundamentals

Course: "English Studies and Translation and Two Western European Languages"

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Ecology Fundamentals
ОК 11
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 2. Process information effectively: collect relevant information from a variety of sources, including professional literature and electronic databases, critically analyze and interpret it, organize, classify and systematize it. PLO 3. Organize own learning and self-education process. PLO 4. Understand the fundamental principles of human, nature and society genesis.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
It is advisable (but not obligatory) for students to get acquainted with modern concepts of physics and biology on the structure of the universe, the relationship of living and inanimate matter, by mastering the course "Scientific image of the world" or self-education.
Course content
The objective of the course is to form students' ability to ensure environmentally balanced professional activities, as well as to carry out environmental assessment of activities (innovations) in the field, to promote the development of environmental culture in everyday professional and social activities. The main goals are: - to introduce the terminological apparatus of ecology, regularities of functioning and development of biocosmic systems; - to form the understanding of the main aspects of the impact of abiotic components of the environment on anthropogenic objects; - to form theunderstanding of the basic principles of environmental policy, to introduce the basic approaches to the environment quality assessment.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Адаменко О.М. Основи екології. - К.: ЦНЛ, 2005. - 320 с. Закон України Про екологічний аудит, від 24.06.2004 р. Закон України Про екологічну оцінку, від 23.05.2017 р. Закон України Про охорону навколишнього природного середовища, від 25.06.1991 р. Злобін Ю.А. Основи екології. Підручник. - К.: - Видавництво "Лібра", 1998. Крисаченко В.С. Людина і біосфера: основи екологічної антропології. - К.: Заповіт, 1998. Закон України Про основні засади (стратегію) державної екологічної політики України на період до 2030 року, від 28.02. 2019 р. Хилько М.І. Екологічна політика. – К.: Абрис, 1999. Carolyn AF Enquist, Stephen T Jackson, Gregg M Garfin, and others. Foundations of translational ecology // Front Ecol Environ 2017; 15(10): 541–550. Гожик А.П., Байсарович І.М. Екологічна оцінка проектів видобутку корисних копалин. . Екологічна геологія / Коржнєв М.М., Вижва С.А., Гожик А.П. та інші.- К.: ВПЦ Київський університет. 2006.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Methods: lectures, consultations, independent work with open sources. Assessment: tests.
Assessment methods and criteria
The final form of assessment - credit. Students get markes according to the results of two tests with open answers. 1. Test work №1: LO 1.01-1.06, LO 1.09, PH 2 and LO 4 - maximum 50 points (minimum 25 points) 2. Test work №2: PH 1.07-1.8, 1.10, 1.11, LO 1.09, LO 2 and LO 4 - maximum 50 points (minimum 25 points). Credit: a necessary condition for obtaining a positive assessment is to score 60 points per semester, and at least 25 points must be scored for each of the tests. 0-59 points - Fail. 60-100 points – Pass.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Iryna Baysarovych
Petroleum Geology
Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Petroleum Geology
Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"