Court interpreting (Turkish)


Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Court interpreting (Turkish)
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO2. Confidently speak the official language, Turkish, a second Turkic language and English for written and oral communication, in particular in situations of professional and scientific communication; present the results of their research in the official language, Turkish and English. PLO 14 Create, analyze and edit texts of different styles and genres. PLO 19 Possess the necessary knowledge and skills to provide translation from Turkish into Ukrainian or English and vice versa at various stages of the judicial process, during conferences of various professional orientations and in other areas and fields of activity.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Prior to taking this course, students must have successfully completed the professional disciplines during their bachelor's degree, have knowledge of translation theory, know the phonetic laws, common and terminological vocabulary, grammatical structures and syntax rules of the Turkish language; have oral and written translation skills.
Course content
The purpose of the course is to acquaint students with the main problems of court translation from the point of view of vocabulary, grammar, and the style of teaching the material, to develop the skills and abilities of written and oral translation of court texts from Turkish to Ukrainian and vice versa. The main types of investigative and court documents (lawsuit, notice of suspicion, indictment, etc.) are studied, the requirements for the translation of investigative and court documents are considered. Tasks of the discipline: to determine the genre and stylistic features of procedural and court texts, to establish their language markers; to establish the lexical, syntactic and stylistic originality of Turkish judicial acts.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1.Dotsenko O. L. Zhanrova spetsyfika ukrainskoho sudovoho dyskursu / O.L. Dotsenko // Movni i kontseptualni kartyny svitu: Zb. nauk. prats. Vyp. 24. Ch. 1. K.: VPTs «Kyivskyi universytet». 2008. S. 269-280. 2.Loboda Yu.A. Praktykum iz sudovoho perekladu ( dlia mahistrantiv 1-ho roku navchannia): navchalnyi posibnyk/ Yu.A. Loboda. K.: Ultradruk, 2015. 117 s. 3.Protsenko H. P. Pravnycha linhvistyka : navch. posib. / H. P. Protsenko ta in.; za zah. red. S. M. Husarova. K. : A.V.Palyvoda, 2010. 312 s 4.Firdevs Karahan Mahkeme Söylemi: Davalarda kullanılan sözlü dil ve dava tutanaklarının dilsel özellikleri / Karahan Firdevs [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: file:///C:/Users/1/Downloads/Mahkeme_Soylemi_Davalarda_kullanilan_soz.pdf 5.Aydemir, İ. A.Türk Hukuk Dili Üzerine Araştırmalar I / İ. A. Aydemir, TOA Y-Belleten 2010/2, s. 19-36.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Oral answers, additions, participation in discussions at practical classes, blitz surveys, tests, translation homework, independent work with dictionaries, text corpora, videos from the Internet.
Assessment methods and criteria
Knowledge control is carried out according to the ECTS system, which provides for a two-level assessment of the material learned, in particular, the assessment of theoretical training - learning outcomes (knowledge), which accounts for 40% of the total grade, and the assessment of practical training - learning outcomes (skills), which accounts for 60% of the total grade. Assessment of semester work: 1. Oral answer: 30 - 50 points. 2. Control work: 10 - 20 points. 3. Translation of a court document: 6 - 10 points. 4. Final control work: 14 - 20 points. 5. Test: 12 - 20 points.
Language of instruction
Ukrainian, Turkish


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Ganna Yuriivna Spotar-Ayar
Departament of Turkology
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Departament of Turkology
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology